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Yoongi was nervous to see his two friends, they'd had arguments over his life choices before, but this was just the icing on the cake.

Turning into the well lit driveway that already had one car park on it, Yoongi inhaled sharply when he saw Taehyung and Jimin waiting for him by the front door with their arms crossed, the driveway wasn't small but there wasn't much room for him to park anywhere else but next to Jimins car, he needed to focus.

"How was the drive Yoongi hyung?" Jimin asked as his friend climbed out of the drivers seat locking the door behind him.

He shrugged, "it was busy, even for Seoul" Jimin nodded in understanding then invited Yoi gi inside so that they could talk about what'd happened with Jungkook and the drugs, "can I have a glass of water?"

"Tae, get Yoongi a glass of water please, I'll have a whisky."

Padding away to the kitchen, Taehyung mumbled something unaudible under his breath, Yoongi and Jimin shared similar looks of confusion: Taehyung never really cared much for Jungkook but all of a sudden it was like he was the boys brother.

"I don't know hyung, sorry" Jimin apologised in regards to his boyfriend, "he won't tell me why it's bothered his so much . . . I think it's more about the drugs if I'm honest, quite the shock to find out your best friend of so many years is a dealer."

Taking the glass of water off Taehyung, the group of three sat in the living room next to the roaring fireplace that was stoked high with wood and coal, the sofa was grey and comfortable as Yoongi leant back into it.

For twelve minutes they sat in complete silence, fidgeting not knowing where to start, even Taehyung after so much big talk had suddenly become lost for words, when the whiskey was almost gone, and Yoongi had returned with a fresh glass of water the conversion started.

"How long have you been dealing in drugs?" Jimin said without looking up from his dribble of whiskey left in the glass, "was is an impulsive decision?"

"I've been dealing in narcotics since I was in Daegu with my family, its the family business actually: my mother started it when we were out of money and needed income and since then it stayed" Yoongi explained in detail, "so almost fourteen years, I moved to Seoul so I could work for the top drug lord in all of Korea, personal friends of my mother."

Both Taehyung and Jimin were shocked, they hadn't imagined it to be that long of a time, nor that detailed of an explanation, once again they went back to sitting in silence, Taehyung and Yoongi were having an intense stare down.

"So even when we were childhood friends back in Daegu, you were dealing in drugs?" Taehyung asked finally breaking eye contact, he felt like his friendship with Yoongi was built up on lies.

Yoongi nodded along to what Taehyung had said, however chose to leave out the key details like his relationship with Ji Yoo and the tasks he'd do with taking out witnesses, "it's a lot to take in, I understand that" he said, "and I wished Jungkook hadn't been there but he was, that's not my fault, I didn't what I could to keep him safe."

"We know-"

"No Jimin we don't!" Taehyung exclaimed angrily, "for all we know he set him up just so he could meet him!"

Yoongi almost choked on his water because of the accusation put against him, pushing himself up from the sofa he grabbed Taehyung, and although shorter then him kicked him to the floor and pinned him still with both thighs, "I don't know whats gotten into you but stop treating me like a bad person, if it wasn't for me he'd be dead!"

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