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Kunwoon walks in his house completely unaware of his deadly fate. "I TOLD YOU THAT I DON'T TO MARRY YOUR SLUT OF A DAUGHTER!". Kunwoon screams while Suga watched in the distance.

'How stupid'. Suga thinks while seeing the man yelling on the phone. 'And Ion doesn't believe me when I say that people are more vulnerable in their homes'. Suga shook his head and pulled out a small device and starts counting down from three to one.

The moment Suga said one, he pushed the button and the lights went off. "Oh come on!". Kunwoon groaned. "She couldn't even pay the lights!". Kunwoon sighs and looks for a flash light. "You're not going to find them". Kunwoon jumps at the voice.

"Wh-who there's!?!". Kunwoon looks around frantically. "Death, grim reaper or Suga, which one do you want to call me?". Suga chuckled in the shadows. "Su-suga". Kunwoon stutters. "Good choice, I like that name too". Suga says and comes out of hiding and the moonlight shows his figure.

 Suga says and comes out of hiding and the moonlight shows his figure

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"Sin Kunwoon, I am Suga, your death". Suga said. "I-I...". Kunwoon runs to the front door but it was locked. He tries to open the windows but they were bolted shut. Suga watches his toy run around while looking at his watch. "You can check the ones upstairs but its the same concept".

"Please don't kill me!". Kunwoon drops to his knees. "I was asked to, you know Ion right?". Suga asked walking around the man. "I-Ion sent you?". Kunwoon shakes violently. "He happens to be a friend... And you pissed him off". Suga punches Kunwoon in his stomach causing him to drop down on one knee.

"NO! WAIT! PLEASE!". Kunwoon starts crying. "Don't beg". Suga hissed. "If you lay down and count to five, I'll let you live". Suga said and Kunwoon did it quickly. "On...". *smash*. Suga took a sledgehammer to Kunwoon's head and left.

"Suga! What's up!". Suga smirks. "He's dead". Suga said and laughed when Ion was cheering. "Thank you buddy!". Suga gagged. "Yeah yeah, bye Ion". Suga says and hangs up. "And since I'm already out here". Suga licks his lips.

"Let's kill again".

The sweet meets a Psycho(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now