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Jimin sits in the dark living room quietly. "I thought he said that he liked red?". Jimin looks around. "But there's nothing red in here". Jimin said. "JIMIN!!!". Jimin hears his best friend followed by running.

 Jimin hears his best friend followed by running

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"Tae!". Jimin hugs his best friend. "Why didn't you pick up my call!?!". Taehyung whined. "You... Didn't call me". Jimin replied. "Yes I did!". Taehyung pulls out his phone. "See!". Taehyung gave Jimin his phone. Jimin looks at his phone. "You called daddy... Kook?". Taehyung took the phone back.

"Never mind". Taehyung said. "You fucking left me! And made me carry this! I will have your dick!". Jin walks in carrying something.

 Jin walks in carrying something

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"Cheddar!". Jimin smiled and the kitten jumps out of Jin's arm and runs to Jimin. "Hi boy!". Jimin giggled. "Thank you Hyung!". Jimin gave Jin a smile. "But I...". "You're welcome cutie". Jin said. "But will Yoongi let me keep him here?". Jimin asked.

"Jimin... You can start a kitchen fire and Yoongi wouldn't care, he's so whipped for you". Jin laughed. "Whipped?". Jimin tilts his head. "Save that for another time". Jin waved his hand. "So... How was it?". Jin smirked. "How was what?". Jimin questioned. "You know". Jin wiggles his eyebrows.

"Jin!". Taehyung yelled. "I ain't talking to you tiger". Jin hissed. "I'm talking about the adult business but its called sex". Jin said and Jimin blushed. "Really!?!". Taehyung shouted. "Raise your voice at me again, I want you too". Jin growled. "I-it felt good".

Taehyung looks at his friend shocked while Jin cheered. "Well explain". Jin sits down holding a bottle of water. "Umm... It did hurt the first time but the second time, I didn't feel any pain". Jimin said and Taehyung choked. "Two? Damn, I didn't know you were like that Jimin". Jin said. "Over here playing innocent, I see you".

"YOU CAN'T FUCKING KICK ME OUT!". Jin screamed when Namjoon came and carried him out the house. "I MADE YOU!". Jin hollowed. "Ha!". Taehyung laughed. "Joonie, can you kindly put me down so I can fight him?". Jin asked. "No". Namjoon replied. "WELL FUCK YOU TOO! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME! NOT ARGUE WITH ME!".

Namjoon just sighs and puts Jin in his car. "I'LL KILL YOU ALL!". Jin screams and Namjoon closed the door. "Sorry about him". Namjoon said and drove away. "I can't believe you did that". Jimin said. "I can't believe you thought I wasn't". Taehyung said. "Now...". Taehyung looks at Jimin.

"Tell me about this Yoongi guy".

The sweet meets a Psycho(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now