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Suga felt his neck snap but he didn't care.

Suga felt his neck snap but he didn't care

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"Jimin!". Suga ran to the small boy, hugging him for dear life. "Hi Suga! I'm glad you're ok". Jimin giggled. "God, that was beautiful". Suga said. "Huh? What was be...". "Where were you?". Suga asked. "I heard running so I ran in the closet". Jimin replied. "Fuck... Don't scare me like that".

"Scare?". Jimin tilted his head. "I scared you?". Jimin asked. "Uhh...". Suga looked down. "I'm sorry". Jimin said. "Ah, no! You're ok! Its umm...". Suga groans not knowing what to say. "But...". Jimin looks Suga up and down. "Why are you wearing that?". Jimin asked.

Suga looks at his self and realized he was in his murder get up. "Uh...". Suga rubs his neck. "I'm...". "Sugie!". Jin barged on the roof, saw Jimin and froze. "You know Suga Hyung?". Jimin asked. "I...". Jin looks at Suga for help. "I met him once in my shop!". Jin said. "But you called him Sugie? That's really cute!".

Suga looks down to blush even though no one can see his face. "You are SOOO cute!". Jin started pinching Jimin's cheeks. "Hiwung stob". Jimin says. "Ok, ok". Jin chuckled and released Jimin. "By the way, there's some tasty looking guy down stairs looking for you". Jin said.

"Tasty? How can someone by tasty?". Jimin asked. 'If you only knew how tasty you look right now'. Suga's mouth started to water and Jin hits him. "Why?". Suga asked. "You nasty that's why". Jin hissed. "And he said he was your brother". Jin says to Jimin. "Giu!". Jimin runs to the door.

"Bye Hyungs!". Jimin waves at them and runs out the door. "Fuck!". Suga groans and takes off his mask. "Damn, you catch feelings easy". Jin snickers. "Fuck up Jin". Suga growls. "How can you fuck up? Teach me bitch". Jin said. "Anyway... You need to meet my partner in crime". Jin said.

"You have more friends?". Suga questioned. "That... That right there, is why I let you starve". Jin says and takes out his phone. "Come to the roof". Jin hangs up after that. "Who was that?". Suga asked.

"That was me".

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