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The car was silent, mainly because Jimin didn't know what to say. "Did that kid tell you something?". Giu asked. "Minseok is his name and all he said was that people had enemies". Jimin replied. Giu tighten his grip on the wheel. "Jimin... I have to tell you something about dad".

Jimin already had tears in his eyes. "I-is he ok?". Jimin tried to control his tears. "He's fine... Its just that... He has a lot of enemies". Giu said. "Dad is... Umm...". Giu tried to put together the right words. "He's a hitman... I know". Jimin says making Giu stop the car.

"How in the hell do you know that?". Giu asked. "I saw him coming home late with blood on his shirt and he told me". Jimin said. "Ah". Giu gave that short response and looks at his rear view mirror. "Jimin, get down". Giu ordered and he did. The moment he does, gunshots were being shot.

"They were after you". Giu clicks his tongue and roughly hits a corner. "Out and run!". Giu shouts and Jimin does what he was told. Jimin runs to a building but he was grabbed. "NO!". Jimin screams. "Easy small one".


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"Suga?". Jimin says and he nods. "Go in the building and make a right and you'll be by Sweet cafe". Jimin nods but looks at Suga. "Will you be alright?". Jimin asked catching Suga off guard. 'He... Cares about me?'. Suga thinks but shakes his head. "Yes now go". Jimin looks at him again and runs.

"He went this way!". Suga slowly turns to the men happily. He didn't waste anytime and stabs a man repeatedly. "Su-Suga". Suga smiled under his mask. "I'm glad that you know me". Suga says and shoots the man in his head. "Run!". A man yells and the men start to run... Well tried to.

 Well tried to

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"And where do y'all think y'all are going?".

The sweet meets a Psycho(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now