Jimin, A 17 year old that is the sweetest person in the world. He by chance was saved by someone and that someone was the "biggest psycho" in Korea that goes by the name of Suga.
Side ships
*Strong language*
Yoongi wasted no time and shot the man repeatedly in his head while laughing. "That was SO amazing". Yoongi shivered in delight. "Umm excuse you child but that was mine fucking kill, how are you going to pay me?". Yoongi looked over his shoulder.
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'Whothefuckishetalkingtolikethat?'. Yoongi looked the man up and down. "You checking me out? That's a thousand dollars right there". Yoongi continued to stare at the man. "And now you're staring at me! That's a another thousand". Yoongi tilted his head. "DoesthenameSugameananythingtoyou?".
Yoongi watched the man freeze... For about five seconds. "Your Suga?". Yoongi nodded. "Wow... I'm disappointed". Yoongi tighten his grip around his gun. "I mean... I thought you would be taller and had muscles". Yoongi watched the man as he stared at him.
"Are people REALLY scared of you? Or is it pity because they feel bad for you?". Yoongi tried everything to calm his self down. "What's your name?". Yoongi asked. "You want my name? That's ten grand". Yoongi put his finger on the trigger. "My name is a national treasure, I can't be giving it away for free".
Yoongi slowly started to lift his gun but it was shot out his hand. "Ooh... So slow". The man giggled. "I'm Darren though". Darren winked. "YourDarren?". Yoongi hissed and that scared Darren. "Yo-you kn-know me? Oh... Ok". Darren shakes a little while moving back. "You'retryingtotakehimfrommearen'tyou?".
The only person that came to Darren's mind was Giu. "No!". Darren shakes his head. "He's a fucking tease, he's not cute at all and I fucking hate him!". Darren yelled and Yoongi full on attacked him. "HE'S GORGEOUS! YOU FUCKING FROG!". Yoongi pulled out his knife. "Startprayingtome". Yoongi said.
"Wait! Don'tkillmeplease!". Darren says in tears. "I take back everything I said about you and Giu! You can have him!". Darren yelled feeling hurt. "Giu? Who the fuck is that?". Yoongi said. "Idon'twanthim". Yoongi growled. "You don't?". Darren says. "No". Yoongi replied. "Oh good cause he belongs to me".
Yoongi gets off of Darren and sighs. "Get out of my face before I kill you". Yoongi said but Darren was already gone. "Idiot". Yoongi puts his knife away. "Suga!". Yoongi sees Jin running to him. "What?". Yoongi said. "The fuck you mean what? I heard yelling". Jin said. "A little late don't you think?". Yoongi said.
"A little fucker don't you think?". Jin sassed back. "Seeing you two makes me appreciate my friendship with Jimin a lot more". Taehyung said. "And speaking of Jimin". Taehyung turns to Yoongi smirking. "What?". Yoongi groaned.