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Jimin let out a cute gasp looking around the ice cream parlor

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Jimin let out a cute gasp looking around the ice cream parlor. "This is a ice cream shop?". Jimin asked. "Yes". Suga chuckled. "Cute!". Jimin runs to the counter. "You're cute". Suga whispered to his self and followed after Jimin.

"Hyung! I ordered a sundae... If that's ok". Jimin played with his little fingers. "That's ok Jimin". Suga said. "Yes!". Jimin giggled. "Now let's sit down". Suga took Jimin's hand and sat down at a table and they immediately went silent. "So...". "Umm...". They both tried to speak.

"You go first". Suga said. "I don't know what to say". Jimin pouted. "Something about you". Suga said. 'I want to know everything'. Suga shook his head at his thoughts. "Well... I have a brother". Jimin said. "I don't want to know about your family, that's useless information, I said I want to know about you".

Jimin covered his face to try to hide his blush but Suga clearly saw it. "Ok... My favorite color is blue, I like sweet things, I don't like mangos... I love cats". Jimin continued to list all the things he likes while Suga was mentally writing them down. "That's it really". Jimin said. "Is it bad that I think that was the best five minutes of my life?".

Jimin looked at his Hyung in shock. "I-it was?". Jimin asked and Suga stopped breathing. 'I said that out loud? Shit'. Suga coughed and their sundae was placed on the table. "Bout time". Suga said. "Yay!". Jimin started digging in while Suga watched him. "Eat some to Hyung". Jimin says not noticing that he had ice cream on his nose.

"And you said you were seventeen". Suga chuckled. "What are yo... Oh". Suga wiped the ice cream off Jimin's nose. "So-sorry". Jimin was a red mess. "You're adorable". Suga said. "Leave me alone". Jimin said. "But here...". Jimin held out a spoonful of ice cream out for his Hyung.

"Uhh...". Suga looks at the spoon. "I'm not to feed you". Jimin giggled and looks down. "You can". Jimin looks up and his mouth dropped open.

 Jimin looks up and his mouth dropped open

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The sweet meets a Psycho(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now