Jimin, A 17 year old that is the sweetest person in the world. He by chance was saved by someone and that someone was the "biggest psycho" in Korea that goes by the name of Suga.
Side ships
*Strong language*
Stan Dreamcatcher! 😣 you all just can't have Gahyeon lol.
SoIhavetoaddresssomethingthatwaspissingmeTHEFUCKoffwhenIwaswritingthisbook. Ihadrandompeoplemessagingmesayingthattheywantedmetoreleasemechaptersandsayingthattheydidn'twanttowait 24 hours. So, to thosepeopleIsay....
I also thought of two more books. TheyarebothYoonminbooks.
*criminal love*
I looked at all the books I have unpublished and I'm like damn... I need to stop 😫. Also... IhaveALOTofpeoplesayingashouldwriteaGarrenff. Imeanify'allwantone, I'llwriteone. AndsomeoneknewwhotheguyIusedfor Giu was!!! IcangetWAYmorepicsnow! Hahahahaha!!! Preparetogetevenmorethirsty.
To my new followers and readers, Hi! I'm Kym and welcome to my mess and nonsense. I don't like the author nim stuff.
Anyway thank you all SO much for reading the sweet meets the psycho. It means a lot to me. Til next Rose babies! Ipurpleyouall 😘💜🌹
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