Q&A (Jimin) pt2

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Let's get you done our little murder Angel.

Jimin- That's so cute! *giggles*

Almeislitzer asked, what would you do if Yoongi was flirting with someone other then you?

Jimin- Aw come on... He wouldn't do that... Omg. *looks at Yoongi*. Daddy, you should flirt with someone so I kill for absolutely no reason.

Yoongi- If that's what you want, then very well.

Jimin- Eek! Thank you! *kisses Yoongi's cheek*

That didn't answer the question AT all!

Jimin- I rewrote it 😊

NamJoonTakeTheWheel asked a question and left a comment. The question was, can I be your lesbian best friend? The comment was, also you're so freaking adorable! I'm here for chu!

Jimin- Of course you can! We can go shopping for knifes together! Tae doesn't want to do that with me 😞. And thank chu!

Yoongi- I'll kill him tomorrow

Jimin- He's still my best friend!

Yoongi- You just got a new one...

He ain't wrong...

Jimin- Who's the next person!

*hehe*. Chimchimurmom left a lot of questions for you lol and here they are. How are you so cute!?! Followed by, teach me your ways. What's its like being a psycho? Is it fun killing? Did Yoongi teach you how to kill? What was your first kill like? Would you ever leave Yoongi for another guy? And if you did leave him for another guy, how do you think he would react?

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