Jimin, A 17 year old that is the sweetest person in the world. He by chance was saved by someone and that someone was the "biggest psycho" in Korea that goes by the name of Suga.
Side ships
*Strong language*
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Yoongi was slowly walking down a alley with his hands behind his back and smiling. He knows that he's being followed and that got him excited. 'Hmm... SoundslikeI'mbeingfollowedbyalotoftoys, happydays'. Yoongi lets out a little chuckled. "Suga". A man says and Yoongi laughed.
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Yoongi looks over his shoulder but didn't stop walking. "May I help you?". Yoongi said. "Stop walking!". A man yelled. "You only said my name, you didn't tell me to stop". Yoongi said. "I...". "Andevenifyoudid, Iwouldn't". Yoongi coldly stats. "Where's the bo...". Yoongi instantly shot the man.
"His nameisJimin". Yoongi growled. "Where's Ji...". Yoongi shot that man in the head. "Ionlytoldyouallhisname... Nevergaveyoupermissiontosayit". Yoongi hissed. "Tell us where he is". Someone said. "You think I will?". Yoongi questioned. "You don't have a choice". A man said and Yoongi was surrounded by men.
"You're good Suga, but we are better". One laughed but Yoongi was thrilled. 'Sooo....many...toys'. Yoongi was laughing in and rocking back and forth. "Ididn'tknowyouallwantedtoplaywithmesobadly". Yoongi says with a darker voice. "Wh...". "Nooneisbetterthenme, Imakekillingfunandmurdermybitch".
The men didn't know what to do so they all backed away from Yoongi. "Peoplethinkkillingisacrimebutforthekiller... Itsabloodylust". Yoongi said laughing. "Justwatchingsomeonebleedisabeautifulsightandwhileyoulookintosomeone'seyeswhenthey'redying... THAT'Swhatjoyis".
Yoongi was official gone now and he liked it. "W-we ju-just". "But... If you want my Jimin, then you must follow me". Yoongi said. They men all look at each other. "Su-sure... But don't try anything funny". A man said. "I won't try anything funny". Yoongi replied. "BecauseeverythingIdoisserious". Yoongi whispered. "Follow me".
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"Th-this is where is he?". A man asked. "But of course!". Yoongi says in delight. "I mean... Would you have checked a place like this?". Yoongi asked. "N-no". Another man said. "Well... Come on in!". Yoongi opens the door.
Yoongi was humming to his self while the men followed him scared but quietly. "How can you keep him in this filthy place?". A man asked but Yoongi didn't answer. "Bosswasrightabouthim". Another man whispered and Yoongi just smirked. "He's in here". Yoongi says and the men rushed in the room.
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"He's not h...". Yoongi locked the door. "Youallaresostupid". Yoongi laughed and pulled out a knife and a gun. "Gentlemen!". Yoongi yelled.