Jimin, A 17 year old that is the sweetest person in the world. He by chance was saved by someone and that someone was the "biggest psycho" in Korea that goes by the name of Suga.
Side ships
*Strong language*
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Yoongi was in front of a house waiting for Jin to come. "Wasting my fucking time". Yoongi growled. "I'm a walking piece of art, I need to look good". Yoongi turns around hearing his friend.
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Yoongi didn't even look at Jin that long because he saw someone next to him wearing a mask.
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"You brought the boy with you?". Yoongi hissed. "My name is Taehyung!". Taehyung yelled and Yoongi pointed his gun at him. "Yournameisboy". Yoongi said. "You're right, I mean, who would name their son boy? A genius, that's who". Taehyung his behind Jin.
"Punk ass bitch". Jin hissed. "Look at his small ass! How are you scared of him?". Jin asked. "He'sapsycho". Taehyung whispered. "I'm a murderer, the police called me a psycho". Yoongi says and looks at Jin. "Why the hell are you dress like that?". Yoongi asked.
"Art has to look like art". Jin laughed. "And have you seen what you're wearing?". Jin huffed. "I look fine". Yoongi says feeling offended. "Are we going to kill or what?". Taehyung said. "Yes". Yoongi gave Taehyung a sick smile. "Ar-are you going to kill me?". Taehyung gulped. "You offering?".
"Suga!". Jin yells and Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I won't kill him... Yet". Yoongi chuckled. "Wait what?". Taehyung looks at him. "I said not yet, now let's go". Yoongi starts walking up to the house. "You're not going to let him kill me right?". Taehyung asked Jin. "I don't know? Are you going to stop following me?". Jin glared.
"Uh.. Yeah, my life is on the line". Taehyung followed after Yoongi. "Dick gulper". Jin hissed and went after them.
"Help!". A man was running running for his life trying to get away from the three killers... But bumped into someone. "Hel-help me please!". The man begs. "OfcourseI'llhelp". The man slowly looks up.
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