Loki, Bucky, and Peter

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Request by ArtemisFowlIsLife . Hope this is what you wanted.

Loki POV:

I am bored of doing nothing on Asgard, so I decide to grace Earth with presence. I know that I am kind of a 'villain' on Earth, but everyone makes mistakes, right?

I take one of my secret paths down to Earth because no one in their right mind would intentionally let me leave Asgard. I guess they're just that desperate for my presence. I'm kidding, I know that most of them haven't let anything go. I don't know why. Thor has made huge mistakes, but everyone just lets those go.

I make it Earth, and it's now occurring to me that I don't have any idea what to do here. I don't know very many people here, and don't have any friends here. I decide to go visit the Avengers. They're normally interesting to be around.

It takes me 10 minutes to get to the Avengers Tower. I know Thor is hanging out with the Avengers. This is good for two reasons, one Thor won't let anything bad happen to me, and two I do, despise not showing it, care for him. After all he's my brother.

I look around the tower, but don't see anyone, so I ask Friday where is everyone.

Friday told me they are fighting a huge crocodile on Main Street.

I head down there to 'help' them. When I arrive all the Avengers are fighting, and Spider-Man and the Winter Soldier are helping the citizens. It looks like they are messing around with each other. Bold move with how close they are to the creature.

Turns out the avengers didn't have everything under control. Since, like I said earlier, I had nothing better to do, I helped out. All I did was shrink it so it could be held. Of course all of the Avengers looked like that were about to go into shock, while almost all the Avengers. Bucky sent me a half smile, and Spider-Man...he decided that picking up the small crocodile was a good idea. He hopped over to it, and picked it up holding like you would a puppy.

I swear half the Avengers almost passed out. The other half looked like they were about to yell at him. Shockingly enough the crocodile looked, happy? It wasn't fighting or attacking him. I think it might be purring.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Eventually Spider-Man, or Peter as he introduced himself to me as, convinced everyone to let him bring the croc (please don't mention the shoes) to the zoo.

Now we were all chowing on tacos because tacos are amazing. I was sitting in between Peter and Bucky. They were some of the only two with interesting conversations.

Eventually things got really funny. Sam made fun us all, especially Bucky, Peter, and myself.

Peter decided to get him back. We were talking, and Peter was the one speaking. He was telling us about the time a boy in his 5th grade class disappeared to go read books in the library, and no one noticed until about four hours has passed.

While telling this story he grabbed the salt shaker, and without looking away from us or stopping his story, he dumped a ton of salt in Sam's water. Bucky and I looked on in shock because he seemed super kind, and I would have never expected him to do that.

Later Sam took a sip of water, and he looked disgusted, and for some reason he took a second, longer sip after. I think he might have been testing the water to see if he was imagining something. He, and everyone else at the table, clearly realized that, he was not in fact imagining the salt flavor.

Everyone started laughing, Peter still looking serious, turned to us and said so that only he could hear, "I am great at pranks."

Then he turned to the table, and started laughing like he was the entire time. I think I lost five years of my life, the same goes for Bucky.

Being the god of pranks, and Bucky not having anything better to do, we help Peter with his pranks.

Peter, as we learned, is a master of deception. By that I mean he can shift the blame well, and you can never tell if he set a prank unless you were there, or you set it off. I guess he uses his high IQ on fun stuff. 

Eventually a prank war breaks out because no one actually knows who is pranking them. Bucky, Peter, and I are left out from the teams. Little do they know we're on a team, our own team.

Since I have magic we always know who is aligned to who, so if someone is secretly a traitor we can expose them.

Eventually we decide to stop the prank war with one giant prank.

Thanks to Bucky's suggestion, we have one big prank to end it all.

We have Friday, who knew what we were doing the entire time, call all the Avengers to the kitchen, and once they arrive she dumped shaving cream over everyone.

~~Time Skip~~

Thanks to Peter and Bucky the Avengers except me. They helped everyone see I'm not always the bad guy.

Whelp, I finished. I don't even know if anyone reads this, but that's fine. To everyone who has voted, or commented on my story, thank you so much. If anyone finds an error don't feel bad speaking up, I would rather have correct grammar then a ton of mistakes.

Also I think I'm in love with the show Numb3rs. I sadly can't watch it nearly enough because it's not free, but at least I can record it.

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