fz| sunflower seeds

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PAIRING x| playboiuzi / playboirocky| x PAIRING

sad shit.

jordan stared at the pictures of his lover, tears brimming. "is this your husband, symere carter?" the police officer, rakim mayers asked, letting out a sad sigh once jordan nodded his head, tears pouring down the man's face.

jordan held himself as he stared at the pictures, trying to ignore the feeling of his heart tearing apart. symere's lifeless body was pictured laying on the floor of his work place, a pool of blood surrounding his body.

"who did this to my husband?" jordan asked all of a sudden breaking the awkward silence. rakim didn't respond but hesitated, angering jordan even more.

"who did this to my husband? huh? answer me!" jordan yelled as he fell to his knees tears streaming down his face. "was it you? it was wasn't it, you fucking asshole? tell me who did it!" jordan yelled his voice cracking as he began to cry even harder.

rakim looked down at the almost hysterical man and sighed, pain coursing through his veins. Rakim slowly but surely got on his knees and looked jordan in his eyes.

"symere..symere, uh, made a call to the police station at 8:30..and he said..he said he needed help. he sounded desperate, in pain, y'know? he said he needed somebody to come get him urgently. The call lasted for..five minutes. we, uh, we..we rushed over there...we found a gun...his body... and a note. it was addressed  to you." rakim said his voice dry as he pulled out the note that was addressed to jordan carter.

jordan slowly took the note from rakim's hands and wiped his tears away as he began to read it.

dear jordan carter, the man of my dreams,
                                                   i just wanna say i'm sorry. i'm sorry for doing this to you. it's not your fault, it never will be, so please don't blame yourself. i've just been trapped in my mind for so long that i can no longer enjoy life. the thoughts have been getting to me. i haven't been able to tell you because you just got a new job and you're so happy..i didn't wanna ruin it.

i didn't wanna be a burden.

now, i'm realizing that i was being stupid. but it's too late. i've made up my mind and unfortunately i'm not changing it. i love you. i love you, jordan carter. you are my happiness. you are my paradise. you are my safe haven. my protector,my soulmate, my angel, my one and only lover. i love you more than life it's self. 

please. don't. give. up.

please promise me you'll keep on living, you'll keep on living for me. You'll keep on fighting this fight we call life. just cuz i gave up doesn't mean you should. please baby please don't give up im begging you. i love you baby, don't ever forget that.

you're my forever.

until we meet again,

symere woods carter.

jordan cried. jordan cried so hard he couldn't breathe. "symere.." jordan whispered as he held the paper close to his heart, rocking backwards and forwards. rakim let out a shaky sigh as he pulled jordan into his arms. "god help us." rakim muttered as he rubbed jordan's back as he continued to cry into rakim's chest.

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