ty| happy new years

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PAIRING x| frank ocean x playboi carti|x PAIRING

December 31st, 1989
20 minutes  till new years.

Jordan let a small sigh once he saw his assigned  nurse walk towards him with his dinner. "You should eat up Jordan. You haven't been eating lately.  Why?"

"what's the point of eating when I know I'm gonna die anyways." Jordan croaked out his throat dry. He stared up at the iv drip and sighed.

This isn't how Jordan imagined his life. Attached to a life support machine, his beloved dreads shaved off, wondering if each day  would be his last. Jordan didn't want to live like this. He had dreams. He wanted to be a dancer, dance for all the rich people and be the best contemporary dancer in the world.

But once he found out he had cancer his dreams withered away. Sometimes, he can't help but dream. Dream about becoming the best dancer in the world.

There was no point of dreaming but he couldn't help it.

"Jordan, please eat up." Nurse Campbell said patting the man's bony hand before leaving him to his own devices. Jordan looked over the little tv sitting in the corner of the room before looking over at the clock once he realized there was nothing interesting on the tv.

"18 minutes till new years." Jordan whispered to himself.

Suddenly a knock at the door gained Jordan's attention. There he stood, a black suit on, roses and  a crown in hand. Jordan smiled. A genuine smile. "What are you doing here?" jordan asked as he slowly propped himself up on his bed while Frank walked towards him a smile on his face too.

"I'm here to spend the last moments of 1989 with the love of my life." Frank said handing the flowers to jordan who couldn't stop beaming.

"You know you didn't have to do all of this." Jordan said the smile on his face fading away. "You know I'm not going to be here any longer. I want you to go and be happy and celebrate with the rest of new york." Jordan finished, blinking back the tears that were threatening to fall.

Frank frowned, "my time with you is limited and I don't wanna be happy somewhere else if you're not around. I wanna be with you. No one else."

Frank placed a kiss on jordan's head before looking over at the time.

14 minutes.

Frank turned back to his lover. "This is for you, cuz you're my prince." Frank placed the crown on jordan's head while jordan giggled.

"You so corny."

"But you love it." Frank grinned making jordan smile a little harder. Frank never told jordan this but he loved it when Jordan smiled.

It was rare to see Jordan smile especially now but when he did smile it's like the room lit up. Frank loves Jordan's smile.

"How's the music coming along?" Jordan asked as he played with Frank's freakishly long fingers.

Frank dreamed of becoming a famous artist and his dreams were slowly coming true. He got noticed by a big record producer and recently got invited to the studio to record a few tracks.

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