ys| a place for me.

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PAIRING x playboiocean x PAIRING

the scent of ganja burning wafted through the dark moonlit sky, the strong smell hitting frank before he even knocked on his door for the last time. frank knocked once then three more times; something he did out of habit.

frank quickly scanned over the neighborhood, views of gangbangers still out playing dice on the corner, being all too familiar to frank. frank sighed before turning around and heading down the steps of the porch only to reach the third before he heard the door open.

frank slowly turned around, his heart slightly racing as his eyes drifted upwards from the floor, towards the tall figure standing in the doorway with a blunt in hand and a pink durag wrapped tightly around his head. he still wore the same emotionless expression that he always had on, but this time it was complemented with a faint smile that could easily be mistaken for a smirk.

"you came." Jordan's soft velvety voice travelled to frank ears almost at sonic speed.

frank nodded, almost wanting to parrot the youngers words but, deciding not to. jordan stared deeply into the man's eyes, a feeling of slight shock and excitement coursing through his body. he actually came. jordan didn't expect the man to even read the message he sent him let alone turn up. Especially  the way they ended things. jordan quickly broke eye contact, stepping to the side, signaling frank to come in.

frank quickly entered the house hold, a small smile gracing his face as he realized everything was still the same; the pictures, the furniture, everything.  his eyes travelled to the pictures jordan still had hung up along the walls, a weird feeling traveling around his body as he continued to stare at them. "You still have the pictures from that day." frank uttered the bewilderment evident in his tone.

jordan joined frank, his eyes traveling to the three picture frames containing pics of the two men, the first one of them grinning widely in front of the Eiffel tower, the second one, them wrapped up in each other's arms, Jordan giving the middle finger while smiling hard, and  the last... the last picture, just a small frame of their hands intertwined, their brown skin almost blending together.

jordan grinned as he relived those memories, his grin instantly vanishing as the forgotten memories began to roll in. "i forgot I still had these," jordan muttered as he brushed past frank. "I should've took them down some time ago."

frank tore his eyes away from the pictures, and began to follow Jordan into the living room, taking one last glance the frames before they disappeared from his sight.  frank looked around the living room, taking a seat on the couch across the table. " you wan' a drink?" jordan offered as he grabbed two glasses and a bottle of henny from his mini bar.

frank shrugged, grabbing the glass cup from the man, watching him pour the dark liquor into his glass. jordan quickly poured the substance into his glass before clinking his glass against Frank's; downing the drink instantly.

frank hesitated before letting the drink run down his throat, wincing at the burning sensation at the back of his throat. "shit." frank rasped out as he put the glass down on the table, shaking his head before making eye contact with jordan who was staring at the man intensely; something he did out of habit.

"how's life?" the question slipped out of jordan's lips before taking a hit of his blunt only to realize it burned out.

"it's... decent. I got a new job." frank answered ducking Jordan's intense stare.

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