vk| what you heard

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PAIRING x playboiuzi x PAIRING

haha idk. I haven't done a playboi uzi in a minute.

symere was irritated. wait. Beyond irritated. The boy was aggravated, mad, pissed the fuck off, and most importantly, nervous. The mixture of emotions began festering when he was woken up and dragged off to a party by his energetic, irritating roomates, tyler and joey.

They were very much aware that symere didn't feel comfortable at parties but they insisted that symere should at least attend one before the semester ends. and symere refused. So they did the next best thing; they practically kidnapped him.

And on the way, they reassured the teen they would be right by his side for the duration of the party, but they were an unreliable pair and left symere as soon as they passed the threshold- tyler getting snatched up by his boyfriend so they could dance and joey? heading towards the ladies that were eyeing him.

But it wasn't all that bad. Symere managed to shuffle into the kitchen and find one of his good friends jaden chilling with a drink in his hand. The two struck up a cool conversation and with that, symere was slowly becoming more and more relaxed. Comfortable. and with that comfort the boy started to feel a seed of confidence growing in him, which meant one tiny sip of alcohol turned into one, two, three cups.

Symere's new found confidence and comfort + the alcohol turned him into a version of himself he's never unlocked. in short, he thought he was that nigga. he was walking around the house saying hey to bitches and niggas he would never even attempt to talk to, dancing with random people that would approach him, mixing different drinks, just acting wild.

But all of that new energy he was radiating flew out the window once he tripped and stumbled over somebodies foot, his drink flying out of his hand and onto the star shooter's shirt, staining it. now, if this beverage hit anyone else symere probably would've felt indifferent about it, but the fact it hit jordan carter, the colleges best basketball player left symere frozen.

Every girl wanted jordan, yet feared him at the same time. Easy on the eyes, yet heavy on the heart, jordan was notorious for breaking girls hearts left and right. The boy played girls like he would basket ball.

He would charm them by giving them a dashing smile, a cute wink and saying the word 'shawty' a surprising amount of times. And boom, they ended up on their knees for him like they prayed to him.

And symere knew all of this. Yet he was still attracted to the tall boy. something about the pretty but intimidating boy had symere drooling over him. But symere only admired him from afar, along with the other girls that fancied carter, but were too scared to approach. Symere knew he would freeze up if he was ever graced to be in Jordan's presence, so he avoided him at all costs. Until now.

"Ayo, what the fuck?" jordan uttered as he pulled at his wet shirt, symere's eyes widening.

"Fuck, i-i'm sooo, sooo, sorry!" The shorter boy said, stumbling over his words. "I'll get you a new one, oh God." the older mumbled as he began to use his hands to wipe the stain, onlookers snickering at the boy's foolish attempts.

"Nah, don't worry about it." jordan smirked as he placed his own cup to his lips, taking a small sip. "Imma just make us even."

before symere could even process what the taller boy said, the feeling of a drink being thrown in his face hit him faster. The boy wiped at his face, the sound of laughter from every corner attacking his ears. The boy felt embarrassed. Irritated. Mad. And fucking pissed off.

Jordan was laughing along with his lil entourage, but once he stared down at the little blondie's face, he instantly felt bad. it was an honest mistake and he could tell the boy didn't mean it, but of course, he had to act like a fucking ass and embarrass the kid in front of half of the student body.

"Ayo, what the fuck is going on?" Jordan looked up and saw a bucket hat wearing kid he recognized as Tyler, his boyfriend rakim who was also on the basketball team, right by his side.

Once tyler caught sight of symere soaking wet, the boy began to push through the crowd and make his way towards symere.

"Fuck sy, who did this to you?" The boy asked as he grabbed symere by the shoulders and pulled him in his direction.

When the kid didn't answer Tyler took the liberty in asking the crowd who all sent pointed stare at carter, who was now looking guilty as hell.

"What the fuck, carti?" Tyler spat sending the boy a mighty shove, the action making rakim pull him back away from the lanky dreadhead.

"Don't touch me like that, tyler. " jordan sighed once he regained his balance earning a glare from rakim.

"Shut the fuck up, jordan." Rakim shot back, letting out a sigh once he saw jordan's wet shirt and symere's drenched figure. "Come, I'll get y'all a change of clothes."

The two wet boy's followed rakim who quickly led them into his room and rummaged through his spare clothes, throwing two clean shirts in the boys direction.

"Ight y'all clean up and then get the fuck out." rakim said as he walked past the two, "I'm fucking disappointed, carter."

jordan simply rolled his eyes.

"Hope you feel a lil better, symere." was the last thing that rakim said before he left, closing the door- leaving symere and jordan standing about awkwardly.

jordan was the first to make a move, quickly pulling off his raf simmons tee that now reeked of alcohol, symere watching his every move in awe. The boy was more on the skinny side but he had perfectly toned arms and a faint outline of abs could be seen.

symere forced his eyes to stare at the shirt that was placed in front of him, his mouth curving into a smile once he saw the words marilyn manson printed at the top with a graphic design below it. rakim really did pay attention to what he was into.

From across the room jordan was leaning against the dresser his eyes focused on the shorter boy who was just smiling down at his top, the sight making jordan grin a little.

"I'm sorry."

Symere looked up, his eyes darting over to a half naked jordan. "Hm?"

"I said I'm sorry. I'm sorry for throwing that drink at you. It was really shitty of me." Jordan sighed. " I'm really sorry. seriously. "

"Hmm... It's alright I guess. I mean I don't else anything different from people like you." symere mumbled mindlessly jordan catching every word.

"People like me? What do you mean?"

"you fucking basketballers think you are the fucking supreme rulers of the school. You and you're teammates act like a bunch of fucking high schoolers, bullying everybody who doesn't look or act like you...god do not get me started." symere mumbled as he struggled to pull his top over his head, jordan moving closer to help him before turning the boy around to face him.

"Nah you already started, so finish. Tell me what you heard." jordan demanded his hand finding his way to symere's chin, tilting his head upwards so his large doe eyes met jordan's almond shapes ones.

"Tell me what you've heard."

"I just know you've been around." Symere whispered, his throat suddenly dry as he maintained eye contact with jordan. "I know your bad news. real fucking bad news."

Jordan stared at the boy a small smirk creeping up on his face."baby, I don't know who told you that, but i can assure you they've wrong. "

"Nah. nah. You're bad news jordan carter. And you can't change my mind on that."

Jordan locked his lips as he looked down at the smaller boy, eyes concentrated on the boys soft plump lips.

Now, jordan wasn't gay. He just knew what he wanted. And tonight, he wanted a taste of symere. Jordan quickly closed the space inbetween them, one arm wrapping itself around symeres tiny waist, the other snaking its self around the boy's neck, giving it a light squeeze, emitting a small light whine from symere, his eyes fluttering shut for a slight second.

Jordan smirked.

"You sure I can't change yo mind?"

- TELL ME WHAT YOU HEARDDDDDD. Lmao I love the first half of that song. did I do good? second part?-

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