zk| vibrancy

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PAIRING x asap tyler x PAIRING

being a demon isn't easy. every body thinks all we do is scare people, steal souls, and install fear in those who believe in us and those that dont believe in us entities. But I can tell you it's a lot more than just that. Every day, I wake up in a cesspit full of fucking fire, surrounded by entities just like me and even though I don't mind it, it gets tiring after awhile.

Really fucking tiring. So once I found I was somebodies personal demon I was beyond ecstatic. I could finally leave hell, meet my human, and hopefully infiltrate their mind so they fall victim to my wicked ways. But when I met Tyler I didn't want to harm him. If anything, I wanted to help him the best I could, demon and all.

So that's what I did.

I let out a loud whine as I landed on the prickly grass of what seemed to be a the garden of a suburban house hold. I quickly stood to my feet and looked up at the house, noticing a light turning on and a figure approaching the window. "Fuck, how do i teleport again?" i hissed at myself. I stared back up at the window and almost jumped out of my damn skin when i saw tyler staring back down at me."Shit." i muttered before waving at the boy, who only stared at me with his mouth wide open before, running away from the window.

"Well that went well." i sighed before jumping up and down on the spot. 

"okay..teleportation...that's not hard..right?" i asked myself as i continued to jump up and down on the spot until I felt my legs begin to burn. "Ight, it's happening.." I grinned as I jumped faster. " Tyler's room, here I come! " I yelled...... Only to be teleported to the fucking basement.

"Fuck." I decided to fucking wing it and just take the damn stairs like a fucking human. I quickly marched out of the basement and up the long flight of fucking stairs, straight past his moms room, all the way towards his fucking door, which was slightly ajar for some reason. I shrugged my shoulders before flicking my wrist slightly, watching the door fling open.

Tyler, who was now peering out of the window with his mother, turned around and jumped once he saw me. "Mom I swear to fucking God, he's right there." The teen choked out as he pointed at me.

"Ah Tyler, stop playing around, it's probably the damn skater kids tryna play a prank on you." Miss okonma said as she turned towards her child before pinching his cheeks and leaving the roon, walking straight past me.

Tyler continued to stare at me in disbelief, while I simply just stood there, being idle and shit. I got tired after five seconds though and quickly shut the door with a flick of my wrist, before making myself comfortable on Tyler's nice king sized bed.

"Damn, you humans have it nice up here! Hell just full of nail coffins," I said as I cuddled into a pillow.

"Nigga, did you just say HELL?" Tyler sputtered making me look up, slightly annoyed.

"Ain't that what a nigga just said?"

Tyler looked at me before grinning, "that's fucking horny dude."

I gave the kid a slightly confused look before dismissing the fact this kid was a fucking weirdo. "So what's your name? You a demon?" He asked making roll my eyes.

"I'm rocky, yo personal demon. I basically make you fall victim to all the evil shit i do. And help you execute evil shit." I moaned as I settled into his bed. It was the comfiest shit ever.

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