fg| sirens

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PAIRING x playboiuzi [ mild asaptyler ] x PAIRING
the homies on ao3 are really nice.
a wedding type beat.

SYMERE STABBED THE LAST piece of sweet n' sour chicken sitting at the bottom of his chinese take out as he listened to his friend tyler dramatically vent into a panic attack. It sounds extremely serious but symere always knew when to step in and calm the man. the latter always repeated a set of words/ sentences that subconsciously alerted symere's mind; the longer the words or sentences got, the closer Tyler was to losing his shit.

"I'm scared sy, what if rakim's parents find me odd?" Tyler ranted as he placed about in his small apartment. "What if they find me unsuitable for their fully grown adult man of a son?"

he was freaking out now.

symere stood up from the couch and gently walked over to the taller man and grabbed his hands forcing the man to look down at him, symere internally wincing once he noticed the panicked look in tyler's eyes,

"tyler...what are you talking about? You're a perfect match for rakim. I know this, your parents know this and I'm sure rakim's parents know this too. And you've met them before. and they love you. You've got this in the bag."

Tyler's eyes were rid of their panicked look and a softer, calmer look was currently occupying them. "really?"

"yeah." symere sent the man a soft reassuring grin before rubbing his hands softly, earning a bone crushing hug in return.

"I'm so glad I made you my maid of honor." Tyler mumbled making symere roll his eyes as he settled into the hug.

"We really gotta talk about that damn title."

a loud hearty laugh left tyler's lips as he pulled his arms away from symere's tiny body, walking off into his kitchen and grabbing a fork to tuck into his chinese.

"have you sorted out the guest list yet?" Tyler asked as he ambled back into the living room, plopping down next to the shorter man.

Symere sucked air through his teeth harshly, a hand going up to smack his forehead. with the pressure of keeping his father's business from running into the ground and trying to secure his degree at the same time, the wedding guest list invitation thing that Tyler thrust upon had completely slipped his mind. "ah, not yet?"

Tyler shot the man an unreadable look as he opened up his food, his eyes narrowing as he took a large bite of his egg fried rice; symere freezing under the man's stare. he hated to disappoint his friends, especially Tyler who was kind enough to help symere with his studies, his rent and his father's business...all while preparing for his own wedding.

"Imma get on to it right now.." Symere huffed out as he broke eye contact with the taller man, grabbing his phone off the coffee table in front of them.

"Symere." Tyler started making symere cringe at the seriousness of his tone.

"Tyler I'm really sorry, I swear. I promise to have the messages sent out tonight." symere frowned as he stared at the measly 5 percent in his screen.


"Can I borrow your charger?"

Tyler simply rolled his eye before looking back at tv screen, smirking at patrick star's foolish antics.

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