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PAIRING x| troye sivan x a$ap rocky| x PAIRING

idk 50 years back when niggas couldn't marry crackas.


Troye's hands shook slightly as he kept on bouncing his knee, our of nervousness. Troye's eyes were red from crying and his cheeks were flushed as he sat outside of officer dallas's office.

Troye couldn't get his parents reaction out of his head.

His parents led him to this situation.

His parents found him in bed with his lover rakim. The disgust on their face broke troye's heart. Not only did they find out their son was gay, his lover was a black man.

Troye didn't know what to do. He didn't want his parents to disown him, he didn't want them to look at him differently. So, he lied.

He screamed rape.

He yelled and yelled and yelled while his lover sat in bed, confused. Rape? Rakim thought troye loved him. Rakim didn't understand why troye would do such a thing like that. betray their love, betray his trust.

So, Rakim did the only thing he could. He ran. He gathered his clothes and ran and boy, he ran fast. He has no where to go but still he ran. He ran to the outskirts of town hoping troye wouldn't keep up this lie.

But of course, troye's parents took matters into their own hands and made enough noise to get a police search for rakim. Which led troye to this situation; sitting outside officer dallas's room, expecting an update on the search for rakim.


Officer Dallas' voice made troye jump a little. She was a small woman but had the voice of a demon, crackly, deep and hoarse. "Hello, sivan you here to know about that negro rapist?" The disgust dripping from officer dallas's voice making troye feel ten times worse.

Troye swallowed the lump in his throat before nodding, his heart practically beating out of chest as he waited for a result. "You won't believe it but...We found him."

Troye's heart dropped and the tears began to fall uncontrollably. He couldn't help it. He knew what was going to happen to rakim. He was going to get life.

"Yeahh, we found that dirty rapist on the outskirts of town. He tried to out run us. Little did he know we keep these batons on us" officer Dallas bragged making troye cry harder.

"Hey, what's the matter? I thought you would be happy we found him. What's wrong?" Officer Dallas asked placing a comforting hand in the small man's shoulder.

"I need to see him..please, let me see him. I'm begging you, let me see him" troye hiccuped making officer Dallas look at him in disbelief.

"You're a faggot, aren't you?" Officer Dallas said shaking her head once troye sadly nodded his head. "And that negro sitting in that dusty cell is your lover, ain't he?"

Troye nodded again, making officer Dallas shake her head. "If he's your lover then why did you lie?" Dallas asked in a hushed tone.

"I- I was scared. My parents found us in bed together. I don't know what to - I didn't know what to do.. i-i panicked." Troye stuttered wiping the tears from his scarlet red eyes.

Dallas sighed before leading troye to where they kept the prisoners. Dallas wasn't joking when she said the prisoners were kept in dusty cells-- the cells were dark and smelt of piss.

Rakim was sitting in the second to last cell, his clothes roughed up and torn. He had a large bump sitting on top of his left eyebrow and a small cut on his right cheek. Other than that his face still looked perfect.

"Here he is.." dallas muttered unlocking the cell door allowing troye to enter. Rakim's eyes slowly traveled from the scratches on the wall to the figure standing in front of him.

"Rakim..." Troye whispered reaching out to touch him, retracting his hand when rakim moved away from him.

"Don't touch me" rakim muttered,his voice low and hoarse. "You betrayed my love. Why?"

Troye looked down at his hands as tears came to his eyes once again. "I-I was afraid--"

"Afraid of what? Your parents? What, were you afraid of revealing your true self to them?"

Troye nodded making rakim chuckle.

"Do you hate me?" Troye sniffed looking up at rakim who gave him a short curt nod.

"You lied on me to protect yourself. You made me out to be some type of rapist when I'm not. You set me up for death. You know I won't last here. Imma be dead within two weeks. You know it, I know it. Imma die in here because you're afraid of being your self. You're afraid of being a faggot" rakim spat harshly while tears streamed down troye's face. "And I hate you for that"

Troye cried harder but he knew he deserved it. He deserved it all. The hate, the rage, all of it.

"Do you s-still love me?"


Troye nodded swallowing the lump in his throat as he tried to hold back the tears and ignore the feeling of his heart tearing apart.

"My trial's next week, monday. I don't wanna see you there. Your parents are going to testify against me so you don't need to be there." Rakim said his eyes darting back to the mysterious scratches on the wall.

"O-Okay." Troye sniffed turning around to walk out the room, his heart in pieces...that was until he heard rakim's voice.

"I don't want you there ....because I don't wanna see you break down when they sentence me. I may not love you anymore, but I still care for you. I kept my end of the deal; no matter what, I'll always care for you." rakim confessed making troye sob.

"Rakim I'm sorry.. I-I'm sorry for everything." troye whispered softly his eyes burning with tears waiting to drop.

"It's alright... I'll see you in the after life. I heard they got a special place in hell for us faggots." rakim said with a sinster smirk.

Those were his last words to troye.

troye ended up taking his own life on the day rakim was sentenced to 65 years in jail. Rakim ended up getting attacked in the showers about a 5 weeks later after Troye's death. Rakim died in his cell about two days later after receiving multiple blows to the head.

before he died, his last thoughts were about him and troye living together, happily. No problems, no stress. Living happily in an accepting world.



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