vc| orange bodies

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PAIRING x playboiocean x PAIRING

jordan receives a visit from his ex lover.

(You have to read a place for me BEFORE you read this...well if u want.)


The bright, yellow sunshine snuck into the dark, grey, gloomy walls of the penitentiary that jordan was trapped in, his orange jumpsuit tied around his waist, revealing his tattooed chest that was glistening with sweat as he continued his set of sit ups; his cell buddy-denzel- simply watching him out of boredom.

" that's 95 sit ups bro, you done for the day. " denzel muttered tiredly as he rolled off his bed and grabbed the untouched lunch tray,  delivered earlier by one of the prison wardens, before placing it in front of Jordan's face. "Here, eat."

Jordan looked up at his cell mate, almost opening his mouth to argue but, quickly deciding against it. The dreadhead took the tray and muttered a quick 'thank you' before shoving the food down his throat, ignoring the horrible,stale taste.

Denzel sat down on his bunk, his eyes watching the man shovel down his food, making sure he didn't choke.

This was their routine since the day jordan was thrown into denzel's cell, 5 years ago. Jordan would wake up, read or talk to denzel until lunch, when they were allowed out but, he would stay in his cell and do various exercises while denzel was out of the cell. Denzel or a prison warden would then come back in with jordan's food, and wait for the man to finish his last set of sit ups, before forcing him to eat his food. And they did this every. single. day. But, what else could they really do?

Jordan sighed as he slid his tray towards the cell bars, standing up from his spot on the floor and heading towards his bunk, laying flat out on his back, his eyes traveling to the cell window, concentrating on the hues of light illuminating the cell.

Denzel let out a relieved sigh before falling onto his bunk, his eyes fluttering shut. But his quick nap was short lived once the sound of Jordan's last name being called out reached his ears, startling him and the latter alike.

"get up carter. You got a visitor waiting." Jordan looked over at the prison warden, slightly confused and irritated. "Well stop looking at me like that, get up!"

The dread head shrugged before slowly arising to his feet, following the lady out of his cell.

"Is it rocky and t? ma? Pop? Jaden? Symere?" Jordan asked after a moment of silence between him and the warden.

"No...actually it's someone we've never seen before."  The lady said as he led him down to the visitation room.

"Can you describe them?"

"why not just see for yourself?" The warden voiced before walking him towards his seat.

Jordan's quickly glided over the glass windows,his eyes finally stopping once he saw a familiar face sitting in the booth, his eyes traveling around the dimly lit room.

"Frank?" Jordan whispered softly in shock as he stood at his booth, his eyes focused on the man sitting in front of him, protected by a glass shield.

"That's him." The warden muttered before moving away from the booth allowing Jordan to take his seat. Jordan slowly lowered himself into his seat, his eyes focused on Frank's perfectly chiseled face.

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