ab| autopilot

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PAIRING x asaptyler/ playboi tyler x PAIRING

the sequel to beltway.

The all most silent tik tock of  the grandfather clock echoed through out the still house, the sound accompanying the drip drop sound emitting from the kitchen - the sounds making Tyler's brow furrow and his frown deepen as he stared at the pitch black tv screen.

Tyler's eyes stared intensely at the screen, his ears sharp waiting for the tell tell sound of the keys twisting them self into their home and the silent sweep of the door opening.

But it wasn't going to come.

Tyler didn't know why he was waiting. He was gone, swept away and disposed of like the shards of Tyler's favourite mug.

He was gone.

But Tyler kept his eyes steady on the blank screen, his body stiff with anticipation for a surprise that was never gonna come.


Jordan stopped by the hospital. His eyes never leaving Tyler's sunken in face, the dull look in the mans usually bright eyes, the wires sticking out of his unnaturally thin body.

Tyler couldn't meet the man's eyes not once. He couldn't trust himself to. Tyler knew if he looked into the other man's almond shaped eyes, his body would shut down, his mind would log off and he would no longer be in control of what left his mouth. so he stared down at his trembling hands, not a single question answered.

Every single time.

Jordan stopped coming after a week.


Tyler's gaze fell upon the man seated in front of him, green piercing eyes staring right at him, waiting, demanding for an answer. Tyler's bottom lip trembled. A tear slipped out of his eye unknowingly.

He left the session early.


Jordan started coming around more often.
Tyler would never say anything but jordan had stopped prodding a long time ago. Sometimes he'd just sit with Tyler and talk about his job and how fucking annoying it was working as a subordinate. Sometimes Tyler would let out the rare laugh.

But most days, it was silent.

Tyler liked having jordan around.

It was nice.


When his lungs stop doing their job and his brain becomes a endless cesspool of negativity and destruction, Tyler fumbles for his phone before his muscles can seize up and the black spots in his vision get big and darker. He always calls the same number and whimpers out the same line before he can pass out.

Jordan always finds Tyler in the same space. curled up into an insanely tight ball, in the corner of his side of the room.

It takes a while to get Tyler to calm down. Jordan doesn't care. He softly coos words of encouragement into Tyler's ear and coaxes him out that terrifying state.

Tyler always apologises.

Jordan has never minded.


Tyler sold the house on Christmas Day.

Tyler's back in the room, green piercing eyes not so piercing anymore but still searching for answers in Tyler's brown orbs.

Tyler grabs a pillow, takes a deep breath and squeezes. He's got someone on the other side waiting for him. And he can't let them down.

"...I wish I knew what went wrong."


soft hands roam over the faint abs making a reappearance on Tyler's body. his head whips around to meet Jordan's bedroom eyes, a shy smile taking over the man's face.

"Are you ready?" Jordan asks as he holds a hand out, his almond brown eyes searching Tyler's dark chestnut ones.

Tyler gulps, letting his hand slip into jordan's soft lithe one. 

He's ready.

Tyler presses a kiss into Jordan's cheek before delving into his takeout, a small smile on his face.

Jordan who was already stuffing his face,pauses before attempting to give Tyler a wide smile with his cheeks full.

Tyler laughs so hard he drops his dumpling.


"How are you doing now?"

Tyler let's the question simmer in his mind before answering, his brown orbs meeting green ones.

"A lot better."


Tyler sees him for the first time in 3 years in a restaurant while out with jordan. he's balancing a baby on his lap, his eyes gazing around aimlessly while his wife, runs her hands through her hair repeatedly.

His tired eyes meet Tyler's bright ones, a look of surprise quickly slapped on to his face.

Tyler doesn't break.

Instead he just intertwines his hands with Jordan's and looks over at the man with a loving gaze.

Jordan returns the look.


"How are you?"

Tyler smiles at the man with the green eyes.

"Im good."

The man with the green eyes smiles.

"What has changed?"

Tyler let's out a small sigh, the smile slipping off his face for a second before returning, stronger than ever.

"A lot. I'm stronger, I'm happy." Tyler grinned, his hands clasped together loosely.

"And I'm in love."

-a sequel for those who asked. :)-

enemies ♡︎

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