fy| got it

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PAIRING x playboi smoke x PAIRING

I was definitely smoking the strongest crack I could find when I made this ship but I like it. :) yes yes yes I'm talking bout pop smoke

bashar was in love.

now, it took a lot for the man to admit that, but when he saw the 6'0 slender being that he was lucky enough to claim as his own walk into the room, he couldn't help the way his heartbeat increased rapidly and the giant grin that erupted on his mug at the sight of his boyfriend.

jordan, ever the observant ditz took notice and let out a small giggle and ducked his head as he headed towards the couch where bashar was laid out, grinning up at him. "Why you smiling like that?"

"what? i can't appreciate my fucking beautiful boyfriend? " bash smirked as he wrapped his arms around Jordan's lean torso and pulled the man towards him.

"bash, stop." jordan smirked making the younger roll his eyes playfully.

"you know I'm not gonna, mamas. I suggest you stop trying."

jordan let out a small accepting hum as he stared up at the younger, his delicate and nimble fingers tracing over bashar's features lightly, the older's face scrunched up; which either meant he was thinking or concentrating.

"What you thinking about, mamas?" bashar asked as he stared down at the older who was sprawled across his chest, grabbing his hand that was placed over his pec and placed a kiss on it.

"I don't know..us." jordan sighed his finger stopping over bashar's lips before falling away from the younger's face. "I'm tired of hiding in plain sight, bash. I want everybody to know I'm yours and you're mine."

and there it was.

yes, bashar was in love, but nobody said love was fucking easy.

"what do you mean? Everybody knows we together." Bashar lied the lie putting a frown on his pretty boy's face.

"bash I'm serious. you can't cuff me and then tell me we gotta keep it on the dl. it's not fair." jordan pouted, the sight making bashar's heart swell tremendously, the feeling almost painful as he continued to stare down at the cutest human to ever exist.

"i know, jordan and I'm sorry. I really am, but we can't go public until I feel ready to." bashar explained earning a huff from the older.

"bashhh! We've been together for 9 months!" jordan whined pulling himself out of the latter's grip, irritated. jordan was tired of hearing the same one liner every time the conversation came around. he just wanted to finally hear the words 'I'm ready' for once instead of a stupid excuse. But at the same time jordan understood bashar's panic. he was a closeted bisexual who hadn't even told his mother or best friend he preferred both genders. jordan knew the pain of being disowned by people he considered family and he really didn't want bash to go through that pain.

but then again he didn't know how much longer he could wait.

"just give me more time, baby. i'll be ready soon." bashar sighed as he moved to place a kiss on jordan's cheek who decided to get up and stalk off to the kitchen with an irritated huff.

bashar was determined to show jordan how much he loves him and he didn't care if that meant stepping out of his comfort zone way before he was ready to. which is why when bashar decided to take jordan out later on that night to the fair, he didn't question it. he knew what he had to do and he wasn't gonna give himself any second thoughts about it.

jordan let out a whoop as he watched bashar throw his last dart straight at the middle of the board, winning the game on his first round.

"ha! you know how I'm coming," bashar grinned as he grabbed the extremely large brown teddy bear from the stall man before handing it to jordan. "for you princess."

jordan grinned coyly as he accepted the bear. the man currently had two more cuddly bears in his hand from the other games bashar won and they were kinda getting heavy to carry.

"bash, can you hold on to gilbert? he's getting heavy." jordan passed the biggest bear to bashar who just rolled his eyes.

"the fuck you name the bear gilbert for?"

"it's a funny name!" jordan huffed before looking around at the stalls and other various types of amusement before directing his gaze towards the ferris wheel.

"ferris wheel?" bashar asked earning a small nod in return. "okay, let's go then, mamas."

bashar quickly grabbed jordan's hand earning a confused look from the older who quickly pulled away. Bashar didn't back down, he grabbed the man's fingers and interlocked them, giving jordan a light squeeze before maneuvering through the crowd.

jordan looked down at their hands and tried to push down the giddy feeling that was building up in his stomach as they made their way to the large wheel.

bashar felt like he was about to die but everytime he saw jordan's ecstatic smile the man simply couldn't help but mirror the expression and give jordan's hand a small squeeze.

things changed on the ferris wheel. bashar was no longer holding jordan's hand but he had a hand wrapped around jordan's waist and was intently staring at the older as he continued to gasp and ogle at the scenery in front of him.

jordan noticed pop's lack of speech and looked up to make sure the man hadn't dozed off on him. he was surprised to see bashar staring passionately at him already but he didn't mind it. he was actually enjoying the extra attention tonight even though he was sure that this was a one time thing and would never happen again.

"What?" Jordan smirked making the younger smile softly.

" i think I'm ready."

" what? "

bashar didn't bother to repeat himself, quickly placing his lips over jordan's, initiating a passionate kiss. jordan tasted like candy, sweet and tasty and so, so addictive, bashar couldn't bring himself to pull away so, he grabbed the side of jordan's face as he nipped and sucked at the older's bottom lip as the kiss began to get sloppier and a little more heated.

when they pulled away jordan shot bashar a small breathtaking smile, "are you sure you're ready?"

"of course, lil baby. why wouldn't i be?" bashar said hoping the determined look on his face would distract jordan from the slight quiver in his voice.

jordan gave the man a soft kiss before pulling away and cupping the younger's face. "We can take it slow if you ever feel uncomfortable, hm?"

bash just gave the man a small grin before taking one of his hands and pressing it to his lips, "okay, princess."

jordan flushed before rolling his eyes in a bratty manner, "the ride is about to finish I desperately want another teddy, bash. can you get me one?"

bashar snorted as the ride came to a slow stand still so they could clamber out, "what do you can name that shit gilbert the third or something?"

Jordan just slapped the man's shoulder as he headed to the wack a mole stand, a cute pout on his face before muttering the words 'just get me the damn bear.'

"anything for you, lil baby."

bashar was in love.

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