Chapter Four

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 Opening the car door, I smirked at Ian getting out. He was halfway around the front of the car intending to opening my door for me. His frown made me smile more as I stepped out of the car and onto the gravel ground he parked the car on.

He came the rest of the way around and placed his hand on the still open door above the window. "I should have known you aren't the type to wait for anyone to help you." His smile seemed to hold all the joy in the world. He was learning something else about me.

Not that we hadn't talked nearly every night this week. Or has he sent messages each morning wishing me a good day. It was very sweet and something I have never had before with anyone I've been with. Just seeing how much he was thinking about me first thing in the morning meant so much to me.

I leaned up and gave him a quick kiss before moving away from the car. The first time since that night that I got to feel his lips against my own. Not that I didn't want to the moment he showed up on my doorstep. So many nights I dreamt of him and that kiss we shared. It never mattered that it was induced by a tonic a pesky little pixie whammed me with.

He breathed deeply for a moment. Most likely to center himself from my kiss and presence. He's declared that I may have the power to dictate the speed in which we go, but that doesn't mean it doesn't torture him a bit.

After the moment, he closed the car door and went to the back seat. There, a woven picnic basket sat for today. It'd been something he proposed two nights again as something simple yet nice to do today. I didn't confess to him that I've always wanted to have a picnic, and today was the perfect day for it. Perfect temperature and the sky not fully cloudy yet just spotted with soft clouds.

Turning around, he offered his hand to me with a smile. "Shall we start out walk?"

Slipping my hand into his, I felt so giddy happy to spend the whole day with him. He smiled down at me. It didn't feel weird that he was just over six foot while I was five foot eight inches.

The moment we hit the tree line though, I stopped. Ian looked at me puzzled. I blushed as I reached down and took my little ballet flats off my feet and sighed at the feeling of fresh dirt between my toes. It'd been ages since I've had the pleasure of this.

He chuckled next to me taking off his own shoes. "A woman after my own heart."

We continued on after we left our shoes on the ground. Bliss was what I felt as we walked deeper and deeper into the woods. Both just enjoying the silence and being together.

Looking up at him, he smiled. "Something on your mind?"

A soft blush. "We aren't trespassing on someone's private property, are we?"

Lifting up our hands, he kissed my knuckles. "Yes we are on private property, but not trespassing." My eyebrow lifted and he stopped up as a lightly used path crossed the much deeper one we were on. He pointed down the path leading to the right with our joined hands. "My house is about a mile that way."

The thought wasn't unsettling knowing we were so close to his place. It was actually a comfort as he would know if anyone was around. I had needed time away from people and all their messy emotions. Just feeling him was a breath of fresh air.

Soon we came onto a small clearing. The grass was about half a chin high with little yellow and white wild flowers. On the side opposite where we emerged from the trees, the ground dipped down sharply like a steep hill. It gave us the opportunity to see a great portion of the rest of the forest and the rolling hills around us going north.

We walked just a little bit into the clearing before he stopped us and set the basket down. Between the handles of the basket was a rolled up quilt for us to lay on which he slid out and placed neatly on the ground. He knelt and I moved over to the other side of the quilt to sit down. My white eyelet sundress billowing just slightly with the three layers of gathered skirt till the settled against my partially bent legs and the quilt below me.

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