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Taehyung POV
I started my flight down Azure mountain, it was the place of my residence, down into the divided climates, better known as Cosmo. As a winter angel I found myself in the cooler climate. I disliked the warmer area, as I got warm far too easily, of course there would be occasions where I had to venture into areas that were not covered in snow and ice.

I made my landing on the ground level, fluffy white snow flew in various directions. A few of the last remaining pure bloods looked at me in awe as I landed near their winter village. I never really knew for many pure bloods to like the cold, I suppose it's just a matter of preference. They were utterly harmless to our kind anyway.

The flakes of snow swirled around my body as I floated through the modern neighborhood. Pine trees surrounded the watched as one pure blood commanded their robot to drive them to work. You could easily confuse the robot for a human, they looked real and almost acted like a pure blood. What technology has come too in the year 4000.

My intention was not to focus on the pure bloods, it was to make a trip through the forest. That would lead me to the beach, located in the warmer climate. I went there for one purpose, meeting with the sea angel, Seokjin, to discuss the upcoming dark era.

The ice trail formed below me as I floated through the forest. The trees began to change from the snowy green pines, to a variety of more warm based trees. An emptier path lead to the hottest climate of them all, which is typically where the demons roamed. The sky always seemed darker over there,almost a magenta. I avoided that at all costs, keeping my ventures within the mid summer area.

Heat instantly started to wash over my body as I arrived at the sandy beach that was named coven. Seokjin typically wandered these crystal blue ocean waters. The water looked so pure, that you could drink it.

The figure of Seokjin walked out of the water, his purple orbs gleaming in the sunlight. He wore only black ripped jeans that showed off his purple scales throughout the holes. The brunette practically refused to wear a shirt, showing of his toned body, and scales that were placed on the sides of his rib cage. His wings were almost clear, matching the tone of the water he lived and breathed in.

"It's good to see you Taehyung." The older greeted me with joy. "We have to have this discussion underwater."

"I don't breathe underwater. Why can't we just float above the water?" I tilted my head, confused with the Sea angel.

"It's because the pack of demons wander the beach today." Jin turned his head into the direction of the demons. They were quite distant from us, yet still problematic. The one with pure white eyes and another with fiery orange eyes kept their focus on us. The fiery male looked almost transparent. The rest had there backs turned to us, and one demon with fierce red eyes was found under a palm tree.

I nodded my head quickly,  blonde locks flew into my eyes as I did. "What's your solution to this?"

"This is going to feel abnormal at first, but it will allow you to temporarily breathe underwater." He pressed two of his fingers to each side of my neck. I felt my sudden need for oxygen to degrade, and a need for water as ice blue scales formed onto my body. I held my breathe, flying above the water and splashing myself into the substance.

I breathed in and out as a splash came from Seokjin who presented himself in front of me. I watched his legs morphed into a tail, a tail that started as lavender, a deeper purple that traced all the way down to the fin. The fin was a transparent purple, with a hint of lavender color.

I swam as best I could through the depths of the almost ethereal place. I had never explored the depths of the ocean, but the beauty of the vibrant plants and the animals that thrives at this level was gorgeous.

"We have to go a bit deep." Jin said as he looked over a sea cliff, his hair barley floating. "I'll have my friend, Stingutor take you down with me." He called out for his friend, using his telepathy, which brought an enormous stingray into sight.

"A Stingray!?" I covered my mouth with shock and a bit of fear.

"He's friendly, don't worry he doesn't sting." He let out a genuine chuckle at my concern of the stingray.

The creature swooped under me, while Jin lead him to our deep sea destination. The water pressure started to get more intense as we made our way to a small cove within the cliff. The sting ray allowed me off of his back, and onto the sea floor.

The cove was colorful tones of green and purple as the brunette in front of my lead me further into it. I took in as much as I could before having to go back to the surface.

"I took you down here because this dark era is different from the one of the 2000's. We know that with each dark era comes more hybrids, but they have become more dangerous, and more threatening to us angels. The demons have evolved. We're going to have to battle more fiercely. Build up teams, fight against them. If things get dark we have too..." he paused and looked at me directly in the eyes.

"We have too?" I rose an eyebrow out of pure curiously.

"We have to make communications with the demons. It will be the only way to win this one. Even make peace. That is why there are demon angel hybrids. Very few, but they exist."

I nodded my head in wholehearted understating. "Doesn't that bring us at more risk?  The demons aren't the friendliest creatures."

"It does, but it may be the only way to fend of the dark era of the year 4000."  His purple orbs were glowing immensely in the cove, almost worried.

"All the risks are willing to be taken." My voice shakes a bit as I spoke to him. I feared our risk for a dark era, but knowing that one could be this dangerous threw me off.


I enjoyed standing outside in the cold moonlight. Looking over the gleaming lights of the glorious city of cosmos. I appreciated the beauty that this city had to offer, no just the people within it.

There was a rush of heat over me as a man with gleaming silver orbs appeared in front of me. Covered in clothing that would keep his body warm on the peak of the mountain.

"We know what your people are planning." He spoke lowly, not willing to show his face. His only visible feature were his moon dust eyes. The moon created a shadow of his horns.

I nodded my head as a response. "Why did you come to me?" My head tilted a bit, trying to get more features out of the mysterious demon in front of me.

"To warn you." He keep his voice low, sparks of fire were around the male, melting some of the snow.

"Warn me? About what?" I let out a small, nervous. laugh.

"I'm not allowed to speak of that. Just know that you've been warned." He flew away leaving a visible trail of fire in the air, melting snow along the way. I looked at the tint night sky, there were visible hints of purple within it.

I walked within my dark house, only a lamp on. Being out there any longer could put me at more risk. I encountered a fire demon, who could have killed me on the spot. The demon did the friendliest thing he could do. Communicate.

I paced around my bedroom, in deep thought of what the warning would be. Why would he come to my house? How did he know where I live?

Then it sparked me.

Fire demons can sense winter angels from miles away. I shuddered and brushed that off.

I put my hand to my face to think. A Warning....coming from a demon. Was nothing to mess around with.


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