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2 years later.

Taehyung brushes onto the young girls hair, she had claimed him as his father. Older and now smarter, she understood the incident more than she could've before. Her twin brother,Blaze, still coping with the incident.

"Can you do a braid, like how mom wore?" Eira looked to the mirror with her glistening silver eyes.

"Of course I can. I had a sister after all." Taehyung spoke, smiling a wide boxy smile.

The white haired female smiled a hesrt smile as the blonde haired male began to style her hair with the way she requested.

"Will I have to fight in the Dark Era like you and Dad did?" A melancholy tone glazed over her voice.

The older slowed down his actions, letting out a sigh. "You don't need to worry about that for the time being. The next occurrence is in over 2000 years."

"And If I do?" She questioned, so curiously.

"I'll be cheering for you every step of the way. You have the strong eyes of your father, and the powers of your mother. You can kick their asses." A low chuckle cane from the male as he realized the fate is the twins.

Blaze flew in as the fiery powers surround him, Yoongi not far behind. "This dude has some serious strength!" He exclaimed, catching his breath.

"Play fighting against outside huh?" Taehyung put the side braid onto the younger girls shoulder, she shined with brightness.

"It's just our way of bonding." He laughed genuinely, walking over to Taehyung who received a light kiss on the cheek.

"Get a room!" Blaze rolled his eyes at the affection being shared.

"Just like his father." The black haired male laughed at the statement. Taehyung nodded with a grin painted on his face.

"Are we going to grandmas yet?" The fiery haired young male asked impatiently.

"Yes we are!" Taehyung looked at the twin with a bright gleam in his eyes.

"I had to look pretty first, Blaze." The young girl hopped off the chair, allowing her white wings to spread our. There was sass in her step, the blonde male shook his head with laughter.

The twins walked out of the room as the two individuals stood there frozen thinking the same thought. "Are we ever going to tell them?" Yoongi whispered as he looked into the blue eyes of the younger.

"That Hosoek was almost brought back life? We couldn't, it would crush the two." The winter angel wiped a tear from his eye. "Let's get going before they come barreling in here with why we're taking so long.


Jimin banged on the glass of the tube where the body of Jungkook stayed preserved as it was from the day of his death. Tributes who fell that day laid next to him, Hoseok included.

"You were almost awake. Your heart bear again for a minute, but then the meter fell back to a straight line." Tears feel from the orange orbs of the male.

Jin rubbed onto the shoulder of the ghost demon, his eyes looked at a button on the tube. "Have you listened to his final thought yet?"

The black haired mail with a bright orange streak shook his head no.

Jin pressed the button, as Jimin held his hands over his face.

"I loved Jimin you betraying bastard." His thought spoke lowly, his voice breaking before it went to silence.

Jimin looked over to where Hoseok had roots of red in his hair, a majority of the hair still white. "Do we dare?"

The ghost demon nodded, agreeing to what fate was in store.

"I know that you can take care of them like a father. I've always had hope for y-you." Hoseok's voice projected in the room, both males looked at eachother.

"I'm glad I didn't kill him." Jimin sighed, having a small bit of faith in the blonde haired male.

"I'm the only one who was dropping you from doing it. I had to knock some sense into you." Seokjin chuckled at the younger male.

"The battle brought a some important losses, and some important realizations. To every party. We found love, and even lost someone we loved." The black haired male wiped a tear from his eye as he looked at Jungkook. "But that united with new people." He grabbed onto the older male's hands, both smiled as their eyes were filled with tears.

The dark era was filled with painful hardships that separated the teams, with betrayal and romance.

But that will never change the history any of them made together.


I'm so sorry this book mega flopped, in my point of view. It's not my best work, that's for sure.

I'm glad that you guys stuck with me through this wonderful disaster.

A promise for a better Vhope book soon-Oli

Special thanks to Tae_Stan_622

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