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Day 3 of the dark era: The killing 

Taehyung POV
A siren went off in the early hours of the morning, followed by that same unknown female voice. "Since you all failed at killing yesterday, today we set the killing early, it's going to be, how do you say this? A blood bath." Her evil laughter was the last thing we heard.

Hoseok and I were both alerted to this situation immediately, hopping out of bed rapidly. We changed into our more armor based clothing for the best protection against any elements. Us being polar opposites on any plain clothing he was draped in black, while I was draped in white. The technology based patterns on the matching to the skin tight long sleeve top, and the stretchy bottoms made them look a bit less bland. On top of that I had my weapons prepared for battle. Hoseok only carried a pure black dagger as backup.

The door swung open from our set up base. Metal boxes with glowing lights based off eye color floated towards us. The box designated to us was silver and blue lights. "As you can see from the sky you've been sent your first survival boxes, they could contain anything within them." The females voice for more familiar as time went on.

The floating survival box landed infront of us. Both of us Hesitant We unlocked the box with our hands, it separated, starting with a video message from my father "Hi Taehyung it's really tough seeing you battle all the way from Tora. You have the power of winter on your side, I love you, son. Good luck."

"I love you too father. I miss you." I
Mumbled at the video projection.

The projection of the video immediately went off the screen when it was comple, transitioning to one for Hoseok.

"Dad! It's Eira here!" The young girl greeted with a bright smile towards the camera, she spoke like she was broadcasting for television.

"And Blaze too! Don't leave me out of this!" The young boy with black hair, with a bit of red like fire spoke to his sister.

"You're such dumbass. Dad don't tell grandma I learned that word from you, she says I'm to young to speak such language." She laughed a bit. "I hope that you fight well with that handsome man! We saw him kiss you!" She clapped her hands out of enthusiasm.

"She won't stop talking about that, he did not need to kiss you in front of the camera. At least he's cute." Blaze rolled his bright blue eyes at the excitement of the girl. "I love you Hobi!"

"I love dad too! Oh look what I can do now!" The white haired girl brought up an ice flame. "Fight well, we all believe in you." Hoseok sniffled as the video ended, taking the food that was easy to travel with and pocket size weapons that could easily be changed into large ones if we were too need them.

"We have to live through this, for our parents. For my children. For everyone who loves us." The red haired male got up from the ground. "For each other." He looked at me with his teary eyes.

My head bobbed up and down in agreement. "Let's do this." I took his hand nervously, and caressed it to reassure him, he placed the replacement sword in my hand for emergency's sake.

Hoseok signaled his head to lead me somewhere, he had now gone more quiet then his usual self. "Where are we going?" I questioned him as we were heading in a direction that I knew had water.

"We need to go to the cave on the beach." The fiery demon said lowly. I nodded my head, not willing to risk being even more of a target in the land that was beginning to lack trees.

The bushes started to shuffled louder than an animal within them as we walked, I pulled out my sword as the noise got louder. The fiery demon seemed alerted to the situation as well, his silver eyes glistened in the minimal amount of sun.

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