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Day 5 of the dark era: The Cosmos

Brief note: this book will continue in 3rd person until the end. I feel more confident with my writing in that way.


The cosmos shined brightly in the sky. The most vibrant colors of them all were the blood red and the vibrant sun like yellow. It was like a flame in the sky. The remaining contestants stood in front of platforms risen from the ground.

Taehyung and Hoseok looked at each other a bit of worry for what this had brought to them.

Crystal, with blonde highlights, appeared on the screen of the arena. Her voice booming. "Tonight will be a trial like no other. As we approach the ending of the Dark era, your powers are at great strength during the Cosmic eruption."

The crowd nodded, listening to every word she has to say.

"Tonight, you go to space. You will battle in the Cosmos." Crystal's tone was calm and collected. "The battle begins now!"

The remaining ones stood in there platforms immediately, not all were confident in their abilities.

"Are you ready to do this?" The blonde angel asked with a shimmer of dismay was in his ice colored orbs.

The red haired male breathed in and out heavily. "I was trained to do this." He shook his head with a small frown.

The blue and purple pixel pattern faded the away piece by piece. They were being taken into a place of the unknown, where no mortal could travel.

That is why they were sacrificed to the bloody battle that painted their weapons. Even their fists.

The fighters looked at the planet they stood on. It was Thuna, where the cosmos lived. What brought the dark era upon them all.

"Fight!" Was all that was heard from the female voice, releasing them from their cages.

The polar opposite pair was quickly separated as both ran into opposite directions to end this fight with their own people.

Jungkook stood infront of Taehyung, stopping him going any further. "This is the dark era, why don't we settle this with a fight?" He grabbed tightly onto the wrist of the older males without warning.

The blonde male barley flinched as he pulled out his sword. The younger male, his wings sparking a flame did the same.

Ice swirled in the air coming from the cold hand of the angel, he struck it at the heart of the transformed demon. A yell came from the mouth of his, feeling the burning sensation on his skin.

The burn being slow, he didn't give up on the fight, he let a flame surrounded his fist, punching The older male directly on the left side of his face. The burn mark formed instantly on the blonde's cold skin.

Adrenaline rushes through Taehyung's veins, grabbed Jungkook by the throat with furrowed brows. "What have you become Jungkook!" He yelled.

"I have become my true form." A smirk was painted on his caramel face. "Is this who you want to see out of the demon you've got wrapped around your fingers?"

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