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Day 4 of the dark era: The trials

Hoseok POV
The remaining thirty teams, and the few scattered individuals were scattered around the battle grounds, heading for the arena. There was no prediction of when the dark era would come to an end, of course in my eyes it couldn't be too soon.

People walked past Tae and I in a hurry to get to an arena, while others were walking at a slow pace due to the grief they felt within them.  Some looked weak, and ready to give up this fight, and few looked confident.

All eyes gazed upon us as we walked in, cruel looks from teammates of the people who we had killed by force, not by will. People whispered in each other's ears, we had become the unwanted ones. Perhaps they felt more threatened by us now.

A woman with light brown locks, with hints of a wintery blonde rose in front of us, her wings almost looked like crystal ice. People around us seemed to gasp, while Taehyung seemed to be lost in thought analyzing the woman. "Today each team will undergo a set of trials. You guys may call me Crystal, the woman who has spoken to you over the past few days."

I leaned close to the blue eyed male. "Should I know who that is?"

"She's the former Ice Queen." Taehyung noddded his head as he remembered the information. I raised my eyebrows up and down quickly, the only one that I knew in ruling was Jungkook's mother.

"Each trial set will be specific to the team members. Seems pretty simple right?" She moved around her ice cold hands as she spoke to us in a honeyed tone. People nodded as they followed along with her words. "Step onto the platform that your trial will take place within the area of your designated test. Nothing in that world is digital, it's pure reality."

Both of us nodded at each other to get on the platform. We walked practically in sync as the coffee colored hair female spoke her final words. "Good luck."

Teleporting through the metal platforms made my body feel like it was ripping apart into, the atoms separating and reconnecting to get to our designated spot.

The process was quite quick despite the rush you felt. My body shivered as we entered the environment with a simple technology based beat.

"Trial one:Past." The teleportation beam spoke in a robotic voice. I raised my eyebrow at the name.

Set free from the cage, our location was set on the absolutely chilly mountains. My body was instantly cold as I stood up here, only wearing this suit.

"Heat sensors activated" My suit spoke to me, automatically warming up my body.

We wandered around the mountains, in an attempt to fight our past. It seems quite backwards, but this was the only way to get anywhere on the leader board visible from a distance. Snow crunched beneath our feet on this silent mission.

"There has to be some hint of what we do." Taehyung pressed the tiny button on his ring out of pure frustration as we walked through the bitter cold. The ring only projected, saying what trials we had completed as a team. Practically useless.

"You know I would tell you, but we're on top of a mountain blowing snow." I came back with a witty remark. He groaned, snow blowing through his blonde locks. His orbs showed visible exasperation.

Silence, then both of our feet hitting the crunchy snow. The only reason due to this was that it was coated in ice. The silence was quite uncomfortable, considering the situation we were in.

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