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Day 1 of the dark era: Training

Taehyung POV
I blinked my eyes and looked at the time that floated above the clock. It was already nine thirty! I slept in far too late for training day. As I rose up I heard the shower running in the bathroom nearby, which means Hoseok has woken up plenty early.

My legs lazily found their way to the closest so I could chose what to wear for the day, our clothes looked like Ying and Yang with the amount of black he owned, and well the amount of white I had. I chose a training ready,modern athletic shirt and skinny white bottoms.

Minutes passed as I sat on the bed, I heard the click of the water go off. Holding onto my clothes as I waited for the bathroom. Soon enough Hoseok came dashing out of the previously locked automatic sliding door shirtless, showing off his defined abs as well as a small tattoo on his chest that didn't strike me as a familiar symbol. His hair was already brushed,but still wet from the water.

"Why did you run out of the bathroom without a shirt?" I furrowed my brows, but not opposed to the sight.

"I forgot my shirt! What else does it look like? I forgot my pants?" He opened up his side of the closest, looking for something that would match his modern Nike pants. Eventually throwing on a shirt that was within the same set as the pants.

I shook my head. "You have a tattoo where your heart is. What does that mean?"

"It means nothing important. I'll get breakfast ready while you shower. We have to be to the arena by 10:30." He sighed, and walked through the sliding door, out into the living area.

I felt a bit taken back, but for up from my bed to get into the shower. I placed the clothes on the counter, and set the temperature of the shower too a nice thirty degrees Fahrenheit. I liked my showers to be cold, unlike Hoseok who wanted his at eighty degrees.

I made my shower a quick ten minutes, enjoy that the cold water had run over my body. The temperature outside was bearable for me, but I preferred a nice thirty degrees or lower. I slipped on the white pants, and put the white shirt over my head. The shirt outlined my waist much more than I previously thought, but it was too late to find anything different that suited training.

Entering the kitchen the food was already done. "You know what, Jimin May cook the old fashioned way at home sometimes, but pressing a button to make breakfast is so much easier."

"I've always down that, I don't know what you're talking about." I found myself sitting on the floating island stool next to the fire demon.

"Sometimes he just insists. He's just weird." The male shrugged his shoulders and continued eating the pancakes in front of him.

"You remember that white light last night?" I put my fork down, and slipped on my apple juice.

Hoseok's silver orbs gleamed as I brought up the vents of last night. . "Yeah I do. I still haven't quite figured out the mystery behind it."

I plastered my face of though across my face. "There will be a day we figure it out, just not today." The demon nodded his head in agreement, I felt a bit suspicious of the male. I was determined to figure out the meaning of that tattoo.


The two of us scanned our rings as we entered the training room with our designated weapons, he had chosen to rely on his powers and use the block of a shield. Within this room where teams fifteen through eighteen. Most of who had already arrived before 10:30.

"Welcome all of you." The female voice projected across the room. "You will be training with the human like robots we have today." They rose infront of the each of us, Jimin who seemed to hold a grudge looked at me as they did. Jungkook kept his eyes infront of him, as to ignore our presence. "Train well! Remember these robots know your abilities" The voice faded away from the room.

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