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Taehyung POV
The tree's lessened, I was making my way through what was the equivalent of a hell above land. I kept cooling myself down with my ice, so I didn't overheat, even die on the spot. The risk within this area was high, but I had to figure out what threat was upon me.

I felt my nose burning as I breathed in the hot air. My feet floated above the cracked, desert like ground. In my head I knew that my kind shouldn't even think of stepping into this territory of the demons.

I felt a hand trace my neck. I jumped at the sudden touch, only to face a pure white eyed demon and a one who had blood red eyes. He flashed his teeth, showing that hes a vampire. Even
If he was a hybrid, the vampire in him
Showed no shame.

"We don't see your kind here very often." The shorter laughed as he looked over me. "You guys are so pure looking, it amuses me. With your white wings and your brightly colored eyes."

"Do you think we just live in a bubble?" I have attitude back to the demon.

The white rims of his eyes glowed. "I would watch it if I were you, Taehyung." He tapped my chest invasively.

"How do you know my name?" I yelled, feeling the fire of the air going down my throat.

"Oh, trust me. You were warned for a reason. Our bait was just brought to us." A spark of electricity went around the boy as he seemed to get more sinister. Pressing his fingers to my forehead, I felt a wave of electricity go through my veins.

"You will know listen to me. You're under my control." I saw his hand go back to his side as I fell from the sky onto the ground, falling on my side. The ground felt like the sun. My eyes closed, and all I saw was black.



I fluttered my eyes open, almost hopping out of the chair. Wait I was in a chair? I seemed to be in a finished basement, but an area with little to no furniture. My brain feels awfully scattered. There was a pain in my neck, that I touched with my hand, I looked at the blood that were on the two of my fingers. The mark was fresh, my blood was a darker blue that it should be, a bit warmer than needed too.

I felt the urge to get up, but my mom was blank as to what I was getting up floor. I attempted to get up, only to fall onto the floor, my legs were tied to the chair. That hurt, at least the floors were wooden and not cement.

"The spell worked perfectly. It's best to introduce myself since you may be here a while, the name is Yoongi." He towered over me, letting his black locks fall over his face. The red eyed demon was nowhere to be found.

"Oh whatever." I rolled my eyes in response.

"Don't be so resistant." He let himself put electricity through my veins, a spark coming from his finger. "I took control of my dear friend Hoseok too." The minute he mentioned that, the male I saw with silver eyes the previous night walked into the room, he moved robotically and not as smoothly as he did the previous night. There was a gleam in his orbs that threw me off, although I couldn't quite understand why.

Yoongi signaled the silver eyed demon to pick up the chair. He followed the orders he was given, then proceeded to untie me. That caused a bit of the recess in this dimly lit room.

"I didn't tell you to untie him! You fucking fool!" Yoongi zapped Hoseok, noticeable electricity sparked out of him. That spark normally would be his element of fire.

My body rose out of command as the other controlled male in the room stood next to me with a devilish smirk. Yoongi looked at the both of us, clearly beyond pissed.

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