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Day zero of dark era: Preparation

Taehyung POV
I found myself at Jungkook's castle, it was day zero of the dark era. We had to prepare ourselves as not only a team, but as a family. This would be our time to unite with the select few, and prepare for the ultimate battle.

The light coffee haired male face me with worry plastered across his face. "This is going to be a tough one. We have to suit up with the best possible gear. That's why I told you to come here as quick as possible. Jin will meet us near the beach."

My heart raced within me. "What exactly do you have?"

Jungkook sighed, signaling me to follow him. The walk was through a long hallway , and down ice crafted stairs. We found ourselves in a large basement, I never found myself down here often. Of course I believe I know why now.

"The weapons room." He put his hand on the scanner, and we walked into the room. "Glass and diamond based weapons to look like ice. They're kept down here to keep them cooler than the above ground temperature." He pointed at the various weapons on the wall, cool air floated from the weapons. I looked at how crystallized the weapons were, shimmering in what curling lights we had down here.

"How sharp are these blades." I looked at a large sword with curiosity the top looked so sharp if I were to put my finger on the end it would cause it to bleed.

"Ah don't touch the end. Those swords can slit a person deep depending on the amount of force you use on it. If that's your weapon of choice, keep it to your sides when in your hand." He cautioned as he wandered over to wrist gear.

I took a deep breathe. "Got it." My feet found my way over to him. "Why would we need these?"

"With everyone becoming stronger, and the ability to convert being a threat. This will help prevent it." He explained as he took the wrist gears off the rack and placed them in my hand. "They're a must."

I unlocked the gears and placed on my left hand wrist. It formed back on instantly. I did the same with the right wrist. The naturally cool guards that had etched patterns on them made me feel a bit more anxious about this preparation. "Anything else we'll need besides weapons before the dark era."

"As long as were set on weapons and various other supplies we'll be good. Call for me if you need healing, take a first aid kit just in case. This will be a dark era like no other." He tossed me a first aid kit that could easily be shrunk into pocket size. I caught it, and pressed the button to slip it into my pocket.

"I'm terrified." I let a blunt statement of my emotions out.

He looked at me with his emerald orbs, looking away from the gear. "Why?"

I sighed a deep breath before speaking. "Hoseok. Just Hoseok."

"Oh you're little satan boy." He rolled his eyes. "He's Satans son, I'm sure he'll be fine."

I shook my head out of annoyance. I decided on a sword that I placed on my back with a clear scabbard. I also took a  dagger as back up. "Jin should be prepared by now, right?"

"Yeah we'll head over." He nodded his head. "You'll need a technological shield, just press the button and it will form around your arm. Press it again and it will go back into its little box." Jungkook explained to me, placing it in my hand.

Our feet followed the same route we hand taken to get down here, suited up. My white combat boots matched the rest of my white attire which I felt matched my blonde hair. My heart was beating quickly, I didn't know how our ancestors had done this in the previous years.

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