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Taehyung POV
I breathed in the cool air as I stood infront of the winter castle, a majority of it was ice. I feared what would happen during the dark era to it, since it could be so easily breakable to a fire demon, or even one who can form weapons with the nearest element.

My my boots coated in snow walked into the castle, coating the shimmering ice blue floors. With my knowledge I knew I could find Jungkook here. He was the son of Mistress Crystal.

Jungkook walked in from the living room. "I saw you approach the- what happened to you!" His mood changed as he quickly floated over in front of me.

My eyes widened at his sudden shouting. "I went to a place I shouldn't have."

"You went to where the demons roam?" I nodded my head as he floated around me. "That's dangerous, and I'm partially demon. Although I prefer not to accept that fact."  He gasped.

"What is it?" I question, Jungkook was never this jumpy.

"You were bit by my brother!" His expression had gone from shocked to purely cold.

"That guy with the red eyes is your brother?" I felt confused, we had been best friends for years and he never had told me.

His chocolate brows had furrowed, and his green eyes were glowing. "Yes, but we don't talk about him and his little friends. I'll show you why." His tone was blunt.

I was guided down to a room, through a hallway that was as white as snow. The room was empty, except for the floating Invsibook in the middle. It was pure technology, which made books with paper and covers go obsolete from existence. You would be lucky if you found it in the past homes of pure bloods.

As we approached the book, it lit up. Jungkook opened it up like you would books of the past, and flipped through various pages to get to a page having to do with demons and the hybrids that have come out of them.

"Now..." he pointed at the vampire demon hybrid section. "My brother may seem quiet, but he's quiet when he's planning something. He tends to plan when he's with that Yoongi guy or even the son of Satan himself. Hoseok? Yeah, don't talk to him." He sighed as he looked at the technology in front of him. "The points to be made here, are he's stolen your blood and managed to change the color of it to a darker blue. Which will start to lower your resistance to cold."

I felt myself freeze in a panic. "How can that be reversed?"

He made me face him. "You either have to talk to him to reverse the curse he's put on you of converting you or-"

"Or?" I pushed the bruttete infront of me for an answer.

He took a deep breathe of the cool air. "You have to let Satan's son reverse the curse. Satan himself doesn't interact with anyone, not even his son anymore. He's completely out of the picture."

I felt panic go through my veins. "Can't your mom do something? I don't want to talk to him again, he's a bit terrifying."

"My mom can't reverse the curse of a demon, Tae! If that was an option I would've gotten her here right away." His emerald eyes sparked in rage. "Again?"

"He took me out of the control of Yoongi." I backed up a little out of his anger.

His eyes widened. "It was those two that became the masterminds of taking angels under their own will." He furrowed his brows again.

"How does Hoseok reverse the curse?" I felt a rush of cold through my veins.

"He has too...kiss you so your blood become pure again. It sounds really backwards but that's the only way it's worked before."

I felt a bit taken back. "I have to kiss a demon of fire!?"

"How do you think there's few angel demon hybrids walking around." He chucked a bit, showing that he had calmed down. "But Yes, That is the only way."

"You have got to be kidding me." I sighed at my fate. That was the last thing I wanted to do.

Hoseok POV
I looked at a photos that was projected onto my desk in my office. North, She was beautiful, although my father hated her, I loved her. Her beautiful ice crystal wings and pure white hair that draped over her shoulders.

"You're still mourning over her?" Jimin barged into my office out of nowhere.

"I was forced to watch her die under the fiery hands of my father! Why wouldn't I?" I looked back at the picture than back at Jimin who seemed to be concerned.

"It was ten ago,that's why." He made his way in. "That's why you have such a soft spot for angels isn't it." He teased as he poked my chest with a smile that showed of his sharp teeth.

"N-No! Maybe! I don't know!" I yelled defensively towards the ghost boy infront of me.

"You set free another Winter angel. You've done that before to other angels held captive." He rolled his eyes at my poor defense.

I gave into Jimin's tactics to make me speak. "Taehyung was different, he reminded me of her. I don't know what it was about him that did, but there was just something there. Are you filled with joy that I gave you an answer?"

"Maybe a little bit. Does the tough son of Satan have eyes for him?" He kept his smile plastered on his face.

"No I don't have eyes for him, how silly would it be to make a mistake of dating an angel again." Nervous laughter of mine filled the room.

"You must seem to find him attractive with that level of nervous, Mr.Im always confident." He continued to bother me.

"Yeah He has a nice face but that doesn't mean anything." I darted out of the room. Jimin chuckled as I did.

The mention of angels had made me wander out of the house, not because of the anger Jimin had set me in, but it had reminded me of someone special. Someone that I never gotten the chance to visit. I just knew than I had to go to the mountains once again.


I flew up the mountains, fire flying around me so I could keep warm. I was not heading for the winter angel know as Taehyung. I was heading for a completely different modern mountain house up here. I let a smile crack upon my face at the thought.

My feet landed infront of the mountain house, as I rang the door bell. "This is a surprise!" North's mother exclaimed as she opened the door, her white hair similar to North's. "The twins have missed you like crazy." She allowed me into the house, shutting the door behind me.

"Eira! Blaze!" I shouted to get the attention of the two. In seconds both of them came running as fast as they possible could, Eira's white hair was in a braid behind her hair, while Blaze had black hair with tips of red.

"I've missed you!" Eira hugged onto me tight.

"I want to hug dad too!" Blaze made his way into the hug, creating a group hug.

"They've been using there powers well. Eira has gained more control of her ice powers. Blaze is perfectly adapted to the cold, and knows how to use his fire powers." North's mom explained with a smile.

I smiled and let them out of the hug. "I'm so proud of you guys! You're mother would be too."

"What happened to mom?" Eira's grey eyes were wide with curiosity. Blaze didn't seemed quite as curious as she did.

"That's a story you'll understand more when you're not so young. Now let's enjoy our time together." I gave them a smile, and Eira simply nodded her head.

I tried to save her...I'm so sorry.


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