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Day 2 of the dark era: The beginning

Taehyung POV
Both Hoseok and I stood prepared for the beginning, not very many words were said as we stood far away from the rest of the teams, only destined to find them and initially kill them or even make peace with them. We were placed in a cooler area, but not a completely warm area either. Trees surrounded us so supplies wouldn't lack, my eyes also noticed that buildings were nearby to raid.

"Tae?" Hoseok said and looked at me. I faced him as we stood there.

I raised my left eyebrow. "What is it?" I felt puzzled as he was pretty silent the whole morning.

Hoseok sighed. "The tattoo I have. It represents my brothers, when we were close. It's just three triangles put together. The tattoo itself is discreet and simple." Hoseok ruffled the back of his head nervously.

"What separated you guys?" I felt curiosity throughout my body as the fire demon spoke to me with melancholy in his voice.

He crossed his arms. "Various things. Our mothers, love, and the desire for power. Jungkook has the option to stay with us, but since he's always been jealous that I was seen as the all powerful son of Satan, he left and let his angelic side take over."

My head moved up and down in understanding of the other male. "What about Namjoon?"

"Namjoon's always been a quiet one, but will bite anyone he finds desirable or killable. That's how he got his first wife, she later died from freezing to death. I'm not sure if he really loved her." He seemed to be brutally honest as he spoke, when he fought yesterday he seemed far different from himself. Unless it was the killer demon instinct within him.

"The beginning of the dark era era battle starts now!" Our rings projected with the same female voice.

"We have tracking on our rings, I say we separate to grab supplies so we can get the most efficient things." Hoseok spat out before the horn sounded around the city of cosmo.

"Got it. I'll go towards the city. You can scavenge the forest." I proposed my plan, and the fiery male agreed.

I spread my wings as I flew into the city, looking for any place I could potentially rob of food or even weapons. There were various unfamiliar faces that were rushing into the city as well, none that had bothered me quite yet. We all seemed to be keeping our respectful distance.

My sword broke through the locked door of a convenience store, the pure bloods thought that they could keep us out by locking the automatic doors. The crystal blue eyes of mine looked around the store, I grabbed a few things of food that could be easily made up with the flame of Hoseok. As well as any items that were non perishable.

"It wouldn't kill you to share some." A male with glassy horns and white eyes said when I turned around.

I rolled my eyes at the foolish male in front of me. "Get your food, it's not that hard to use your hands."

He chuckled at me, and threw me against the shelf. "Oh you angels, so selfish."

There was no other option but to fight back, so I threw him off of me and onto the ground. I reveled my sword as I stood over the fallen demon, preparing to kill him if I had to. "I'm not afraid to hurt you." I felt a bit of nervousness through my body, it was far to early to be taken down.

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