4- Sami

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*****Sami's such a creeper*****


I woke to shuffling and wet, tickling brushes on my neck. I went to scratch the itch away and froze when my fingers touched a head of messy hair.

I jerked, my eyes flying open, and gaped down my body. The shifter straddled my waist, his hard, swollen, disproportionately large prick leaking precum into the dark thatch of hair trailing down my stomach. He rocked against me, his eyes fluttering with pleasure, his cock sliding along my stomach, his balls smashed between our bodies. He was completely naked, and my own shirt was shoved up under my armpits, my breeches untied to give him easy access to my naked skin.

I stared, dumbstruck, as I assessed myself. My neck throbbed where he had either sucked the skin or bitten me, I was covered in his saliva from my neck to my nipples, and to my horror my cock twitched when the shifter realized I was awake and set his hands gently on my chest to steady himself while staring deeply into my eyes.

With him atop me like this, the dichotomy of the sizes of our bodies was amplified and I had a momentary panic. He looked only a bit bigger than a child, and the near-childlike wonder with which he was finding pleasure using my body had me tensing in discomfort and wary frustration.

He leaned down, beginning to kitten lick my neck again as his hips rocked against me, but I shoved him back. I lifted him from my body, nearly wrestling with him as he growled and tried to climb back atop me.

"Stop it!" I mumbled, shoving him back and grimacing when my hands were forced to grip his hot, shuddering skin. He stared me down, upset and confused, as his hips rocked mindlessly against empty air. "Take care of that on your own, kid. I like cunts, not pricks. Understand?"

The man rolled his eyes, giving up trying to climb on me again. His small hand reached down and grabbed his cock in what looked like an almost painful grip. Staring deeply into my eyes, barely blinking, he began to pump his fist in frustration, his gaze occasionally rolling up and down my body appreciatively, his eyes lingering on my prick, my morning wood peeking out from my trousers.

My hard cock that had everything to do with just waking and absolutely nothing to do with the man who wanked himself mere inches from me while devouring me with his eyes.

I was caught frozen, transfixed as his moans grew in frequency. He bit his lip, his eyes wide with surprise and heat as he yipped and came into his hand. His entire body jerked, his back arching, but his eyes never left mine as he whimpered and heaved through his orgasm, multiple pumps of cum covering his palm.

"Mate," he whispered affectionately when his body fell lax. A small, satisfied smile lit his lips as he brought his fingers to them and began to clean his hand of his own spend.

The sight caught me off guard, as did the prick of arousal and heat that jolted down my spine to pool in my balls as I watched his tongue dart out again and again to clean himself. I shoved the thoughts aside, only just realizing I'd stared him down through his entire self-pleasure orgasm when I noticed my mouth was open and I was still staring at him like an idiot. I shook my head and threw the blankets back, standing to dress before he could somehow sense how his actions had affected me.


I had never before felt sexual arousal like I did when I woke and caught a deep breath of my mate's musk. It had been over a decade since I had been in my human form, and before then I was too young to have sexual urges. Now, they nearly overwhelmed me as I shoved my mate's clothes to the side to get at his hot, hard skin. I ripped my own clothes off before straddling my mate and crying out when my entire body throbbed at the contact of my mate's hot skin against my prick, balls, and taint.

Wild Magic Three: The Shade of the Earth- a M/M fantasy shifter romanceWhere stories live. Discover now