18- Like Mate and Mine and Candy and My Robert

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With the first thrust of my hips against Sami's body, pleasure exploded down my spine and my entire body shook with the need for release. He was tight, and so hot I nearly flinched in pain as my cock carved out a place inside of his body. Sami's cries of pleasure added to my own lack of control, making it difficult to even see straight.

I leaned over, pulling Sami up into my arms. I had to curl into myself a little with the difference in our height, but I managed to put my mouth to his. My arms wrapped around him, looping down his back to cup his ass and hold him up for my gentle thrusts. Sami kept his own arms around my body, his feet digging into my ass as he held onto me as if he were drowning and I was the lifeline that had been thrown to him. With the change in angle my moves brought, Sami's screams grew nearly frantic. I huffed out a frustrated laugh and paused, pulling away from his mouth to stare into his eyes.

"Sami, the entire keep can hear you. Bite the bed sheets or something."

Sami shook his head, his eyes closed as he arched his back, heedless of the loud, impatient cries that left his mouth, his hips moving against me since mine had stopped. I lifted one hand away from his ass and dragged a handful of sheets towards him. He turned his head and snapped his teeth at the sheets, nearly biting my fingers as I pushed them towards his mouth. He glared up at me, his eyes flashing with defiance, and I rolled my own.

"Damn brat," I muttered, sitting up on my knees and yanking him up with me. He followed easily, fluidly, and I grumbled at how easily he let me move him, but then was so stubborn over the stupidest things. He groaned deep in his throat as I settled him straddling my lap, deeply impaled and whimpering, his mouth pressed against my neck.

"Mate," he whined, suckling at a sensitive spot of skin, right where my neck met my shoulder.

"Keep your mouth on my neck, Sami," I replied, then began to thrust up into him again, my thighs spread to give me leverage. He cried out loudly once, but then his sounds were mostly muffled by his lips smashed against my neck. He licked and nibbled, making zings of sparkling pleasure shoot down to my balls.

Sami dug his heels into the bed behind me and used it as leverage to bounce his hips up and down, deepening my thrust and meeting me halfway with loud slaps of skin on skin. His body was wrapped around me so tightly neither of us could move more than a few inches at a time, but the pleasure wasn't lessened in the least that I was basically rocking in and out of him.

"Ah, mate, ah, ah," he mumbled against my ear, his tongue licking in and swirling around. I moaned— why the fuck did that feel so good?—and my fingers tightened on his ass, digging into his skin in a way I knew must be painful, when his teeth nipped torturously against the top of my ear. But I couldn't stop. I couldn't let up, even a little. The all encompassing pleasure made me nearly blind with want and need.

Sami's desperation grew as his prick dripped a steady stream of precum against my stomach, his balls rubbing up and down my skin with each thrust of my hips, each bounce of his body. His eyes flashed, growing darker, the pupils elongating. His teeth grew sharper as he leaned away and glared me down, his lips pulled back in a snarl. He hissed, high and keening, his nails— claws now— dug into my shoulders, his back arched. His eyes never leaving mine, he shuddered, his hissing growing into a near-scream, then there was heat on my stomach and he was shaking against me. I glanced down and bucked hard up into him at the sight of white liquid shooting up and out of his twitching cock, mixing with the hair on my stomach and groin.

Sami hissed continously as his cock spurted the thick liquid onto my skin, and then he fell limp against me, his breaths hitting my sweat-and-spit-soaked chest in heavy, hot puffs. I stopped moving, afraid he would be sensitive after he'd just come, but he whined and glanced up at me, his face still half-shifted into his bobcat, his eyes huge and nearly glowing with the beast inside his soul.

Wild Magic Three: The Shade of the Earth- a M/M fantasy shifter romanceWhere stories live. Discover now