24- Because I Love You

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My Robert grabbed the wooden board at the head of the bed with sweat-soaked fingers, his eyes clenched shut as his mouth opened in a wide, pleasured, silent scream. I thrust my lube-slick cock into his ass, hard and without pause, over and over again until he was chanting my name with each press of my prick inside his tight heat.

I lifted my mate's thighs, setting them to rest so his legs dangled over my shoulders, and the new position must'a hit that fun spot inside of him, because my mate just about shot off the bed. His hips rose and his eyes jerked wide, his cock spitting out a few drops of precum onto his clenched belly.

"Did I hit your spot, mate?" I panted, my fangs dropping down in my mouth, wanting nothing more than to bite and claim and taste and mine mine mine.

"Fuck, yes, you're right on it, Sami. Don't move, ok? Feels... gods, it feels really good. So good."

I smirked and pressed into my mate, hard, then again, pushing him up the bed with the force of my thrusts, until his neck was bent against the wooden board at the head of the bed, and he was pushing against it with his palms just to keep his head from hitting it over and over.

I yanked my mate back, grinding up against his taint, my belly rubbing against his balls and drawing a long, drawn-out groan from him. I reached down, down to where we were joined, and as my thrusts never faltered, I gently pressed right up against that spot I knew would drive him wild, just below my mate's swollen, wet balls.

"Sami!" my mate cried, shaking his head as his back arched and I took the full weight of my big mate's body as he thrust up, using his legs against my shoulders as leverage. "Oh my gods, do that again!"

I chuckled, pushing my mate back down as much as I could, then repeated the move, gently pressing and massaging the small bit of skin between my mate's balls and where we were joined at his ass.

"Feels good, huh?" I whispered, wetting my lips as my throat went dry at the sight of my pretty mate, all wrecked and panting and sweating and needy. For me. Just for me.

"Yeah, Sami," Robert breathed, a funny little blissful smile on his face as he opened his eyes and looked down at me. "You know my body so well."

"It's mine to pleasure and love," I said with a pout. "Of course I know it."


I chuckled at Sami's words, then grunted as his thrusts grew harsher, his cock moving in and out of my body with an increasing speed I couldn't even keep up with. I could only hang onto the headboard and try not to be pushed off the edge of the world. My entire being was lit up, sparks of light dancing across my vision every time Sami's cock pressed past that small, swollen bundle of nerves in my ass. I was a mess of garbled words and unfinished sentences as I began to reach my peak without even a finger on my prick.

Before long, Sami's grunts began to grow more and more animalistic. His ears pointed, fur growing at the tips, and he hissed, his teeth a mass of sharp canines in a mouth gone just a little long. His fingers hooked into claws at my thighs, holding me wide open for his nearly violent movements.

"Robert?" he whispered, his swirling, multi-colored eyes locking on mine as his hips began to jerk and his thrusts became erratic. His hands scrabbled at my skin, making me hiss as his claws drew long scrapes down my thighs in his urgency and pleasure. "Gonna come now, Robert, ok? Can I come, pretty mate? Knot your pretty—"

"—Fucking hell, Sami," I groaned, closing my eyes and bracing myself agaisnt the headboard as his mouth dripped filth that made me, a hardened war veteran, feel like covering my face with my hands and blushing like a teenager. "Yeah, just do it. You don't need to sit and talk about it so much, all the time."

Wild Magic Three: The Shade of the Earth- a M/M fantasy shifter romanceWhere stories live. Discover now