17- Made for You

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*****Guys, this song fits Robert and Sami so so so much (Something Wild by Lindsey Stirling and Andrew McMahon). Ugh I just can't get over it. It could work both ways— someone singing to Sami about Robert, or to Robert about Sami (though this one a little better).

I gotta be honest, I was stupid smiling while writing this entire chapter. I've written kinky sex, healing sex, shy sex, desperate and possessive... Sex with laughter and flirting and teasing was a first.

Anywho, enjoy, pervs 😉😘*****


I was happy to hold onto my mate as he dragged me up the stairs and through the halls. I sucked on his ear, his neck, his lips, anything I could reach with my tongue and mouth. I sucked and bit a mark into the skin just beneath his ear, and my mate slipped a couple of steps. I laughed and set my teeth against his pulse point. He groaned, his big hands gripping my ass tighter to rock me up against him.

"Behave, Sami," he grumbled, slapping my ass a little when I only laughed and bit down harder. "You're gonna pay for that, you damn brat."

It was too late for anyone to be awake, and our room was near the big open room with all the chairs and the giant fire we had been in, so we didn't pass anyone. I was glad, because I worried Robert might get scared and not mate me if anyone saw me clung onto him like this.

I hooked my ankles at Robert's waist, just above his ass, my fingers dragging his shirt up. He fought me, pushing the hem back down with one hand as he held me against him with the other. But I was persistent, and my mate gave in with a frustrated sound. I crowed, lifting his shirt up over his head and letting it drop in the space between our bodies. I let my fingers slide along my mate's skin, brushing his nipples and making him shiver and lean down to bite my cheek. I laughed as he nipped at my cheek, then my nose, before he glared into my eyes.

"Dammit, Sami, give me just a few more minutes to get to the room."

"You're mine, Robert. Mine, right?"

My mate paused, his eyes doing a funny, sad kind of twinkle, before he turned away from looking right into my eyes and let me keep playing without answering me.

He was mine. He had to be. I wouldn't accept anything else.

By the time Robert made it to the door of our room, his hands fumbling to turn the handle, I had both of our shirts dangling between us, held up only by our joined bodies. Both of our trousers were completely untied, Robert's big hands were half inside my loincloth at my ass, holding me up against this belly, and my mate was covered in marks I'd left on his neck, shoulders, chest, everywhere I'd been able to reach.

Robert threw me on the bed, his dark eyes heavy with an annoyed kind of amusement and with lots of lust. Enough that I squirmed a little, waiting for my mate to take what was his all along.


Sami's hot, rough tongue teased me from the guard's lounge to my room. It only took all of five minutes to walk it normally, but with how slowly I was walking, and how often I had to pause to stop Sami from completely undressing me in the middle of the hall, it took nearly double that. I think I even made a wrong turn at one point, going in a circle through the halls to get back to my room.

When I managed to slam the door shut and locked behind me, I took the four steps to my bed and threw Sami on it. Our bundle of shirts fell from his lap as he hit the bed, his eyes wide and so filled with lust and desire and frantic, all-consuming need I nearly fell to my knees at the enormity of the emotions.

I watched him for a minute, his usually messy hair a tangled mess, his lips kiss-swollen and wet, his cheeks flushed and his nipples erect and pointed. He twisted a little, his knees knocking, thighs sliding together as he wiggled, and I chuckled when I saw he was thrusting his hips mindlessly up against his own trousers with his hard prick.

Wild Magic Three: The Shade of the Earth- a M/M fantasy shifter romanceWhere stories live. Discover now