27- Chosen of Ravin

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*****HI! and welcome to my first ever beta-read chapter! A huge thanks to my betas @Everlasting_Stardust @letusbetold @TheAceKnight @ReddRiot_KB & @ATel2018 for their insights and comments that helped me make my story so much better. (You can thank @ReddRiot_KB for the umph of angst lol ;) ) I hope you like it!!*****


Of course I didn't stay behind. The moment my mate and his men were out of sight, I shifted and followed. I could hear the wolf calling after me, but I ignored him. He may be able to let his mate go off to danger and stay behind, but I wasn't capable of doing the same.

I had finally convinced my mate to keep me, that he was mine, and we were going to be together, forever and forever, and nothing was going to keep that future from me.

Nothing was going to take my Robert away from me.

I saw the evil magic man and the black panther shifter at his side, and heard the shifter's story. It was sad, tragic that he hadn't been able to shift into his cat for his whole life. But that didn't make it any bit of okay that his mate was gonna try to kill mine and our friends.

The panther shifter's mate smelled of death, but he also kind of smelled like something good too. Something like kindness and gentleness, but buried deep beneath his anger at the pain inflicted on his mate. Something like love for his mate that was overshadowed by the protectiveness that was overpowering everything else.

"Long time no see, kit," a voice said gently, sounding like it was a little ways to my left, but also only echoing in my mind. I turned and smiled as well as I could in my cat form as the goddess Ravin crouched by my side. Marlin, in polar bear form, was planted firmly behind his mistress, a great rumble of greeting making the earth beneath my paws vibrate.

My mate's in danger, I thought, hoping she could hear me. She smiled, acknowledging my silent words, her pretty lips thinning over her sharp, white teeth. Can you help me, mistress?

"Your mate's opponents are hurt and afraid, little kit. The panther is a great favorite of mine my sweet Asaling. He is the son of one of my Guardians, one who gave up her immortal life to join her mortal mate, and he has endured... much."

The goddess's eyes welled with unshed tears as she watched the panther shift into a heavily scarred young man.

"The pain my children endure is agony for me to watch, but I am unable to interfere directly, or I may throw the balance of Nefiir off irreparably."

So you can't help my mate?

"I can't," she said inside my mind with a gentle smile. And then her eyes flicked to the bear behind her. She nodded, and he began to move forward, each one of his steps like a small earthquake rumbling beneath my feet. "But that's why I created my Guardians: to be my hands and my mouth, my power and my will. Go, little kit. Save your mate. But do not harm Asaling or his mate, please. Their story is not yet even begun, and their young third will need them to calm her restlessness and aid her in finding her full power."

She pressed her lips against my head, just below my left ear. I felt a tingle of something hot race from the touch, down my spine, and then she was gone.

I tumbled after the great Guardian, who moved slowly towards the gathering where Lhiam's men now stood within a few feet of the evil magic man and his mate.

"... don't want to be followed," the man was saying. "See, if I leave your little troupe of men alive, my mate and I won't be able to rest, for surely you'll come after us. So, while all of you are innocent, and would have been free of my vengeance, you're now a threat to my mate, and thus your lives are forfeit. I promise to make your deaths as painless as I'm able. As I said, I'm not a complete monster."

Wild Magic Three: The Shade of the Earth- a M/M fantasy shifter romanceWhere stories live. Discover now