16- Death and Life

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Sami's excitement as my mouth took his was palpable. His body seemed to fall limp and yet cling to me all the tighter at the same time. His hands were everywhere, grabbing my arms, my back, my thighs, trying to yank me towards him and hold me there. His desperation was palpable, as was his fear.

He was terrified I would pull away again.

I tried to soothe him, calm him, with gentle kisses against his lips and by rubbing my palms up and down his thighs, amazed that I felt no revulsion. No strangeness that this was a man beneath me. No, there was only excitement, lust, and affection.

"Ssh, Sami," I comforted, laying a kiss against his cheek and pulling back just enough to glance at his face. He was flushed, his pupils completely dilated, his chest heaving. His small nipples were pebbled, pressing through the fabric of his shirt, and though they were set on a flat chest instead of the mounds I was used to, I wanted to bite and nibble and taste them.

So I did.

I bent down, lifting his shirt over his head. I let my tongue out, tracing a path around Sami's left nipple before I put it between my teeth and sucked. Hard.

"Robert!" Sami cried out, his hips bucking up, seeking friction. His ankles tightened at my ass, and I was yanked forward until we were pressed chest-to-chest, groin-to-groin. "Mate. Mate, please. Mate me. Make me yours. Want you. Please, my Robert. Please love me."

I nodded as our lips met again, then again, until I was forced to pull back, gasping for air, his taste on my tongue, and lack of oxygen, making my head spin.

"It's alright, Sami," I whispered against his lips with a smile, trying to calm down his frantic eagerness. "You win. You won; you've got me now. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. You won, Sami."

My heart hammered and my smile deepened when Sami purred happily. Then his fingers were untying my breeches, his teeth gently sliding across my neck. A shiver ran down my entire body, my balls tightening as my plump cock began to harden against my breeches.

My mind blanked and my breaths stuttered as Sami reached inside of my loosened breeches and tugged out my cock, his thin, cold fingers making me grit my teeth as they reached down, cupping my balls and massaging against the small bit of skin between my ass and my balls.

"Sami, we can't—" I began, finally coming to my senses enough to remember we were in the lounge, out in the open where anyone could stumble in. Just because I was ready to admit defeat to Sami didn't mean I was ready for the world to see me have sex with the shifter.

Sami shook his head, his tongue exploring my mouth as his fingers played beneath my breeches. I rocked against him, shutting my eyes and trying to force myself to pull away.

Gods, it was more difficult than it should have been.

I slipped my mouth from Sami's, pressing gentle kisses against his closed eyelids, then I smiled and smoothed my hands back and wrapped them both around his ass, pulling him up harder against me.

Sami let me hold him against me, our breaths evening out, our bodies entwined, for only a few moments before he was pulling away, dropping his legs to the ground, then within another second he was on his knees, his mouth pressing gentle kisses against the bit of exposed skin above my breeches. I panted, my breaths heavy and loud and echoing in the silence left in the large, open lounge, as Sami pulled my breeches down just enough to free my hard cock.

Sami's eyes met mine, the depths of his soul shining out of the swirling colors. Desire, lust, pure and unadulterated heat spilled from his eyes, but there was also the smallest hint of fear, the tiniest piece of hesitation, and gods above, so, so much love.

Wild Magic Three: The Shade of the Earth- a M/M fantasy shifter romanceWhere stories live. Discover now