8- Trust

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I woke after a night with Sami sleeping on my pillow, his little purrs lulling me into a deep sleep, his body so near I could feel his heat wafting from him. The night before, after dinner with Dasan and Nibley, I'd sat him down and warned him if I ever woke the way I had that morning again I would lock him out of the room, and he had somberly agreed to behave and keep his hands and his damn cock to himself. I knew he understood. I could feel it.

But then I woke with his prick so near my face, I could smell his precum as he worked his cock and whimpered, his eyes moving up to meet mine just as his body arched and he caught his release in his palm.

I sat up with a sigh, and had a horrible feeling it would become habit I'd just have to learn to ignore. But as long as he kept his hands to himself, he could do what he wanted. It was a line I drew in my mind— as long as he was only near me, not actually touching me, I wasn't involved.

Even if he was obviously using me as his material to get himself off.

I just wouldn't think about that.

After breakfast, where I again forced Sami to drink a mouthful of the serum Lady Sera had given me for him, I dragged him to Laya'la, the keep's head seamstress. And because the gods hated me, Silvia was there. Likely visiting her wife.

Silvia and her wife Emma had moved to Teren shortly after word got around that Prince Lhiam was marrying a man. Silvia was a wild hedge witch— a hedge witch, but for animals— and her wife Emma was a talented seamstress. She had quickly become a favorite of Laya'la, and rumor had it, the sweet young woman was on Laya'la's mind as a replacement when she retired in a few years.

I didn't know many details, but I knew the women had faced persecution in their old home for their marriage, and had been welcomed, like many others who flocked to him, by Prince Lhiam.

The issue I had about seeing them wasn't with the women. Silvia was terrifying and powerful in her stoic, strong determination, and Emma was sweetness incarnate.

The issue was, I hadn't known they were married when they first moved to Teren, and made my interest in Emma known within minutes of her stepping off of her horse.

Her wife took an instant dislike to me, and hadn't grown any warmer in the months since.

"Silvia," I said in greeting as Sami sniffed at the air, scenting the woman with a frown. I wonder if she smelled differently than humans, with the magic in her veins. If maybe her connection to animals made her smell familiar to him.

"Robert," she replied, her voice stern and annoyed at just the sight of me.

"Hello Robert," Emma said from behind her wife, her voice high-pitched and nearly too-sweet in its innocence. "What brings you here today?"

"The cat—" I began, before coughing and starting again. "This is Sami. I'd like to have him measured and a couple of suits outfitted for him? They'd need to be sturdy— don't ask— and able to withstand, ah, heavy use."

"He's the bobcat shifter?" Silvia asked, her eyes on Sami rather than me, her expression curious.

"He is," I replied, shrugging a little. I'd been unsure how much had actually gotten around about what Sami was. It seemed I had my answer.

"It's nice to meet you, Sami," Silvia said, her hand held out to the man. Sami studied her hand, then held out his hand in a copy of hers, awkwardly holding it beside yours. "He's feral," Silvia said conversationally as she moved her own hand to grip Sami's, showing him how to shake her hand.

"He's been alone nearly two decades, according to Lady Sera," I answered with a shrug. "But he's smart— understands everything we say, he just doesn't speak much yet."

Wild Magic Three: The Shade of the Earth- a M/M fantasy shifter romanceWhere stories live. Discover now