28- Disobedient

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For the second time in what was only a few months, a wild animal came into the front courtyard— this time flying— carrying someone injured for me to heal.

When I'd taken this job that Prince Lhiam offered me, I had been excited to spread my proverbial wings and spend my years as free as I could after living my life in the box of my papa's expectations. I was getting far more than I had bargained for.

Not that I was complaining. I was surrounded by some of the kindest, most honorable men and women I'd ever known, and the magic I'd begun to learn about was like nothing I'd ever dreamed of. My hedge witch magic was nothing to a man who could turn into a cougar, or what now headed towards me. What I could feel from the hawk that was far too large to be a natural hawk.

A Guardian, I thought, with a flash of intuition I've never really been able to understand. I just sort of... knew that the hawk that dropped an unconscious, limp Sami right into my arms was one of Ravin's Guardians.

"He's been hit with a killing spell by a spirit witch, a very powerful one. But he's Marked by Ravin."

I nodded up at the hovering hawk, the soldiers and nobles around me gawking as the hawk screeched once before disappearing completely in midair.

One moment he was there, the next, gone.

"Thank you, my lady," the Guardian's voice rang in my mind, and I smiled at his easy acceptance and the kind, gentle tone of his words.

I carried Sami, limp but warm in my arms, back through to my workroom. I had only just set him down on the little cot that was on a raised dais so I could work on my patients when Silvia slammed her way into the room.

"Fuck, Sami," she growled, sounding so much like Robert getting frustrated with the small shifter I actually looked up again to make sure it was her. "He gonna be alright?"

"The Guardian said he was goddess-blessed, so I'm sure he'll be fine. I just need to give him a few things to counteract the spell. Hold his hand for me, talk to him a minute, try to get him to wake up. I'm going to mix some potions."

Silvia nodded, and within minutes she was holding him up, groggy and disoriented as I poured copious amounts of three different potions down his throat. The death spell I sensed in Sami's chest was, for all intents and purposes, an overpowered sleeping spell. So if we could get Sami to wake up, most of the danger would be past.

By the time I heard Robert's horse thundering into the courtyard near the front of the castle, Sami was awake, aware, and being berated by an anxious Silvia.

Robert slamming through the doors had the three of us jumping in surprise. Silvia sputtered to a stop mid-word, glaring back at Robert, but he completely ignored the woman's accusing stare. His glossy eyes fixed on Sami, Robert took one step into the room before his knees buckled and he dropped to the ground. His chest was heaving with laboured breaths as he continued to glare up at Sami.

Sami cried out in shock when Robert fell, leaping to his feet and running to kneel beside Robert's shaking body. He reached a hesitant hand towards the larger man, but seemed unsure if he was allowed to touch him.

"Dammit, Sami," Robert growled as he scooped the smaller man into his arms, completely ignoring Sami's hesitation. "I told you to stay home," he finished as he dug his face into Sami's hair, taking deep breaths and shaking his head against Sami.

"I'm sorry, my mate, I—"

"— Shut up, Sami," Robert hissed, yanking him closer as he fell back on his ass, Sami perched between his legs. "Just... just keep your damn mouth shut. You're in trouble, you d-damn brat, and I need you to be quiet for a minute. Or ten. An hour. Just..."

Wild Magic Three: The Shade of the Earth- a M/M fantasy shifter romanceWhere stories live. Discover now