23- Claimed

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***** *blushes heavily and runs away* *****


I had to taste my Robert completely. I had to know what he felt like. I had to feel my mate's body caressing mine, taking me deep into his depths, and claim him as my own, now and forever. I needed it, now more than ever, because my mate was finally, finally, mine.

I pushed my mate onto his back, never taking my lips from his. We scooted back awkwardly until my mate was fully on the big bed, prone beneath me, and I hovered above him, straddling his chest.

"Wait, Sami," Robert gasped, his hands on my hips pushing me back. I growled, but obeyed my mate, lifting my head up and glaring down at him, my fangs bared even though I didn't mean them to be. "What did you mean by knot?"

"I'm gonna put my penis inside you, Robert, and I'm gonna make your ass feel so good, and when I come, my knot's gonna swell and lock us together. I can only knot my true mate, my Robert. Only you."

Robert made a strange noise, his lips twisting with an expression I don't think I'd seen on his face before. It was something like amusement, but with some small bit of something bad. Like fear maybe. Or annoyance.

"Karma's a fickle bitch," he grumbled, his hands on my hips tightening a little.

"You don't want my knot, Robert?" I asked, trying to make sure my mate didn't see my disappointment or sadness that he didn't want my claim.

"Ah, well," my mate said, looking away with a sigh. "I do, I think, maybe."

I raised my brows, urging my mate to continue, and he snorted.

"I made fun of Lhiam and Edon once when Tate and I walked in and they were stuck together. So this is, I don't know, karma getting back at me for embarrassing them."

I smirked and rolled my eyes. "My knot was made only for you, my mate. It'll feel real good, you'll see. It's not a bad thing."

Robert laughed in something like disbelief and shook his head, then reached up and cupped my cheeks with both of his big hands. "I guess we'll see, won't we? G'on, get the oil. It's on the table, just there."

I looked over at what my mate was gesturing to and smiled, showing my mate my teeth as I reached over and dragged the little bottle of oils over to us and set it by my mate's naked skin.

I leaned down, pressing little kisses to my mate's face. His lips, his cheeks, his forehead, then his ears and down his neck. My mate was still, but breathing heavier with each kiss. His cock, gone a little soft at our conversation about my knot, rose up hard and proud, eager for me.

I crawled down, licking the tip of Robert's cock, then pushed his legs up so I had access to his hole. It was dark skinned and line, rimmed with hair. I licked my lips and moved forward, but my mate groaned and his legs jerked in my grip, so I looked up at him.

My mate's face and neck were blood red, his eyes wide, peeking out from between his spread fingers, his big hands held up in front of his face as if to hide himself.

"Oh gods," he groaned, chuckling in a dark, manic kind of way. "This is... Gods, Sami, this is the most embarrassing position I could possibly be in."

I studied him, my eyes raking across his big, thick body, all laid out and pretty for me. He was propped up on pillows, and I held his legs up and away from his body, dangling above my head, above his stomach. His ass was open and bared to me, his hard prick leaking against his belly. I looked down his body, then back up to meet his eyes and shook my head.

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