13- Splash

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I woke the next morning with Sami's eyes heavy on my skin. It made me itch in a way that was both unpleasant and strangely arousing. Refusing to meet his eyes, I slipped out of bed and dressed. He shifted without a word and followed me out the door on silent paws.

I had complicated everything with what I had done the day before. I should never have gone to find him. I should have waited for him to come back, or better yet, let him stay away. He could have moved on, found someone else to obsess over, lust after. Instead, I had confused the both of us.

After the most mind-blowing, life-changing orgasm of my life, Sami had fallen limp on my chest, his body shaking heavily in his own post-orgasm physical strain. His body was light, a gentle, almost calming weight atop my own, and we lay in post-coital bliss for the gods only knew how long. I think we both even drifted in and out of sleep for a few minutes.

Then my mind began to wake fully, and the panic set in.

Gods, I'd all but tackled the man. I'd fucked him— not penetration, but my body and mind didn't see the damn difference.

I'd fucked a man.

I'd barely had sex in... gods, I couldn't even remember how long, and now I'd spilled my seed on a man.

And I'd... Gods help me, I'd loved it. Loved... loved it, and now craved more. More of Sami's body heat against my own, his skin soft and supple between my fingers, his hot, panting breaths in my ear as he found his own pleasure in my body.

I wanted more.

But my panic far outweighed anything else, and I leapt up, throwing Sami down to the ground. Without a look back, I made my way through the brush and to my room. Sami came in an hour or so later, and silently fell to sleep atop my pillow, like always.

I had never before looked at another man with anything resembling lust or even appreciation. I had even found it a little gross, before really getting to know some of the men I now counted as friends, to hear about two men being together sexually. I liked women— their supple forms, soft skin, curves I could grab as I pounded into them. That was what I liked, what made me hard and wanting. Not a man whose age and real name were unknown, who had not a curve of fat on him, who looked far more delicate than he really was. He looked like he might break with a good, hard pounding, but I now knew that to be untrue. He'd been firm beneath my fingers, willing and ready to return each kiss, each thrust, each lick with one of his own.

"Fuck," I muttered, shaking my head to try to clear it. Sami's confused, curious eyes caught my own, but I looked away, my guilt compounding with every thought about his lithe, powerful body writhing beneath, and then above, my own. No woman had ever ridden me with the bliss that Sami had shown, and I hadn't even been inside of him.

I'd been with only a few women in my life, always finding hunting them, wooing them, and even sex itself tedious and frustrating. After I grew into my mid-twenties and my mind was no longer so ruled by my body, I'd spent nearly every night alone.

And yet that man had turned me inside out with a few thrusts of his hips. I'd never felt the things I felt on that forest floor. I'd momentarily lost my mind, all the blood pooling to my dick, and I'd lost control and done something I'd never have thought possible for me to do.

I had not only confused and disoriented myself, but Sami as well. After weeks— nearly three months— of turning him down, I had not only sought him out, but I had shoved him to the forest floor and fucked him. We had come together, and he had been damn beautiful in his pleasure, and now I was again pushing him away. For someone who lived on instinct, who was simple in thinking if not in mind, my actions had to have been absolutely flabbergasting.

Wild Magic Three: The Shade of the Earth- a M/M fantasy shifter romanceWhere stories live. Discover now