|| Chapter 4 ||

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The next day we all began to prepare for what was to come and over the passing weeks we learned what we needed to know. The Professor taught us the plan, aikido, how to dissect a pig since its the closest thing to human skin, and we also did some team exercises so the new crew could get along with the old crew. Honestly it was kind of hard because some people from the new crew were dicks. For example, Palermo, he was the BIGGEST dick of all, and I'm not talking about his size. For some reason he thought he was superior to women just because he was a man. How stupid is that? Very. His sense of humor was just disgusting, but I knew why he was acting the way he was. He lost his love, Berlin. Even though Berlin never actually saw him in that way, Palermo was head over heels in love for him. But just because I get why his attitude was the way it does, it doesn't mean it's alright for him to be like that. 

"Hey Palermo, can I talk to you?" I asked walking up to his room one night. 

"What is it Seoul?" He said with an upset tone. I sat down on one of the chairs he had in his room while he sat on  the edge of his bed. 

"You know.. the way you're acting.. I know why you're doing it. You want to put on a tough act, but if I'm being honest with you...that tough act is going to end up screwing all of us up. You need to learn how to work with the team instead of pissing them off all the time." As I talked to him I saw him getting angrier by the second. His hands clenching into fists till his knuckles turned white. "why are you angry all the time Palermo? Im not saying let him go, but at least try to move on! It's been over two yea-" That was all it took for me to say in order for him to grab me by the neck, choking me so I could to stop talking. Everything was so sudden, I was caught of guard, I could barely breathe. Gasping for air, looking at him in the eyes, I could see the pain in them. 

"YOu don't know what its like! losing the one you love! It hurts! Do you feel yourself barely being able to breathe?! THAt's how I feel every FUCKING day!" As he was talking I began reaching out for a pen I saw from the corner of my eye. Without losing eye contact I grab the pen and jam it into his arm. He immediately lets me go, grabbing the pen that was stuck in his arm. I start coughing feeling the oxygen reach my lungs once again. I grabbed my neck, feeling sore from the throat. I get up from my seat looking at him taking out the pen from his arm. 

"I just wanted to help you out. With the team. But I guess theres no helping you in any way. You're done for. That pain seems to have taken over you. You'd be lucky if you ever come back from that." I said with a hoarse tone in my voice. With that I walked out of his room and headed towards mine.

After weeks of preparing we were finally ready to start the plan. I was so excited! I had never bet the police before, this game would sure be interesting to play. As we were on our way to the Bank of Spain I looked around at our team. For the last month we had all began getting closer. Well the old gang was already close, but the new members that included Santiago and I had a little bit of trouble warming up to each other. For example, Denver and I didn't really get along because Monica, well 'Stockholm' since she wants to be called that, thought I wanted her man. I will admit Denver is some fineee piece of pie, but he isn't really my type. Once we settled that whole problem Monica and I were cool, Denver became my best friend and I might even be the fucking God Mother for Cincinnati, shocking right?

The only ones I had instantly clicked with was Nairobi and Helsinki. Now they were the greatest pair of friends I could've ever asked for. Tokyo on the other hand was the opposite. Till this day we aren't really close, which I understand, we don't know each other very well and it can be hard opening up to new people. But honestly, she doesn't have to be a bitch about almost any situation Santiago and I are a part of. Actually, I don't really care if she bitches about me, but about Santiago? Like dude, Santiago is the chillest dude you'll ever meet so get your panties out of a twist and chill the fuck out. I can see how she is short tempered, which could cause a huge problem for all of us.

"Hey Seoul we're here" Denver says snapping me out of my thoughts. I look outside and see a group of people wearing red, protesting against the military. I smile to myself a bit at the thought of all these people being on our side. As I step outside of the vehicle, Denver and I head towards the hundreds of people telling them to "calm down" and "stay back". Many began screaming at us with so much hatred, but who could blame them? We were dressed as the military and they I actually believed we were that.

I turn to look behind me and see Tokyo cover her face and head towards Palermo and Stockholm.  Once I saw that they were in the clear with the security guards, Denver, Helsinki, and I head towards them. Waiting for the rest of the group to head inside, Denver, Helsinki, and I plant bombs on each pillar and windows by the entrance of the bank. 

Once we see the first group of hostages  evacuate the bank, Denver, Helsinki, and I nod at each other heading inside with the rest of out group. When were inside I nod at Palermo, giving him the clear of pressing the button that would start everything. 

The bombs.

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