|| Chapter 5 ||

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"They're attacking the bank." Palermo said. This made the hostages go CRAZY. I began chuckling to myself at everyones fear. "Seal off the building! I repeat, seal of the building!" Palermo said into the walkie talkie in order to reach the guards. As the doors sealed, Santiago and I looked at each other smirking. This wouldn't be our first crime together, but it would sure be a fun one. 

I began walking towards Tokyo and Nairobi in order  to go get the Governor. Once we enter his office, Tokyo begins to speak. 

"Excuse me Governor, my name is Lieutenant  Lorenzo. You need to come with us. We have an armored car ready to evacuate you immediately." 

"At this moment I am not leaving my office" the governor said. Shocked, Tokyo had to insist, yet the governor wouldn't budge, instead he invited us to sit. Tokyo turned to Nairobi and I. I looked at the governor sitting by his desk behind her. Looking back at Tokyo I began walking towards the governors desk and take a seat, Tokyo and Nairobi following behind.

The governor began asking questions about which regiment we belonged to and Nairobi began talking nonsense about what we "had done" and who we "belonged" to. Tokyo was quiet but I knew what she was thinking. There were seven bodyguards, with the three of us we could shoot two each, but that would still leave one standing.

"With mines there are several different ty-"

"Tell me Governor.. Do you like gambling?" I asked cutting Nairobi off. The governor gave me a confused face.

"What?" He asked. As I reached for my pockets all of the guards took out their guns pointing them at me. "Oh relax ! Im just taking out my cards", I said as I took out two brand new decks of poker cards. The guards put their guns down as I opened the packaging of the cards. 

"Now governor, lets play a little game-"

"May I use the bathroom?" Tokyo interrupts me. "Of course. You can use mine" He replies. Tokyo excuses herself as she heads towards the bathroom. I look back at the governor with a small smile. 

"As I was saying, lets play a little game. An easy one, so it'll be quick for all of us." I said as I began shuffling the cards. "Well, I would play but I have no idea how to play poker." He replied. "Oh you don't have to. We're not going to be playing poker. The game is really simple actually, its called 'Double Concentration'. In the game you flip a card and have to find its match, if you don't then you have to flip them back over facing down, but if the match is found you can leave them facing up. As the name implies, it also means we're going to be using two decks, which means there are twice as many cards than usual but only one match." I explained beginning to set up the cards on his desk.  

"So all I have to do it match the cards?" he asked. "Yes, but unlike Normal Concentration, you have to match the number and the suit of the cards in order to win." I said as I finished setting up the cards. "So how much are we betting?" he asked me. "Oh its not how much we are betting, it's what we are betting. If you win my team and I will head downstairs and will not bother you anymore, but if I win you have to come with us." I said with a serious tone in my voice. 

"Very well then, shall we begin?" he said stretching his arms. I motioned him to make the opening move. The first card he flipped was a four of hearts, the second one was a four of diamonds. Even though they were both fours it didn't count as a match because they weren't the same suit. As it was my turn to flip a card, I turned over an 8 of clubs with a 6 of diamonds. The chances of getting a match is about one in 103, therefore the trick of this game is to memorize every single card that has already been flipped over and remember where it is placed. 

King of diamonds, ace of spades, two of hearts and the three of clubs. Those are the cards were recently flipped over. As the Governor flipped a card, he got the match of the four of hearts. "If you get a match you can keep going until you don't." I tell him. The next cards he flipped was the seven of diamonds and the King of clubs, not a match. I remembered seeing the king of clubs somewhere on my right. As I flipped over the card it was the match to the first king of clubs. I continued flipping matches and when I missed the governor got his turn. As the game kept going the match was so close, the Governor had 36/104 and I had 40/104. 

"I'm pretty impressed governor, you have a really good memory" I told the governor as I flipped another match. "Oh thank you, I'm quite honored you think that" he said as he looked around at the cards. "I guess that means I should play seriously now. Oh would you look at that, another match!" I said as a flipped a match. "This one too, and this one here.. wow thats ten in a row! Lets keep it going why don't we." I continued to flip match after match until I messed up one. "I sure hope you don't mess up this one Governor because if you do then there'll be no chance for you to win." As he flipped a card, the second one he flipped was not its match. I ended up turning all of the cards with it's matches over.

"And with those two I have matched 54 pairs, more than half of the deck, meaning I've won!Now you have to come with us Governor." I said getting up from my seat. With that Tokyo bursts out of the bathroom, guns in hand. Everyone takes their guns out and begin pointing it at each other.

"Mr. Governor. Now you really have to come with us", Tokyo said, "Get up! With me." The governor got up from his chair and headed towards Tokyo. Once he was close to her she grabbed him and put a gun to his head. "What are you doing?" he asked Tokyo but she just ignored. 

She began walking towards the door, but before she reached it Nairobi got grabbed by the main guard. "Drop your weapon, NOW!" he said putting a gun to Nairobis head. Nairobi dropped her weapon and the rest of the guards were pointing their guns at Tokyo and I. "This doesn't look good for either of us, why don't you call it quits?" Tokyo told the main guard. "Quit? What makes you think this is a draw? You won't shoot the governor, but I will shoot this bitch." The main guard was not giving up.

"Governor, remember our game? I think you should pay up your debt" I said pointing my guns at two of the guards in front of me. "Gandia! Let go of the girl. I don't want anyone harmed. That's an order. Let go of the girl Gandia!" The governor told the main guard, Gandia. Once he released Nairobi, she got her guns and pointed them at the rest of the guards. "Im going with them. I don't want you to do anything." The governor told Gandia as we backed up out of the room. I winked at them once we got out. The guards continued following outside towards the elevators.

"I don't know what you want, but there's no way you're getting out of here", I heard the Governor tell Tokyo. "Then I guess we're not leaving", she replied.  When we reached and got inside the elevator, the governor pushed Tokyo and got out on the ground. The guards began shooting at us making us get on the sides in order to not get hit. Once the elevator doors closed we were all pissed. 

"FUUUCKKKK!!!" Tokyo screamed 

"Shit! what the fuck just happened?!" Nairobi asked Tokyo

I was so pissed off I couldn't even speak. Instead I just punched and kicked the walls of the elevators. Nairobi pushed the up button on the elevator changing our direction. "What are you doing?" Tokyo asked her. "They're going down! We need to go up." I pushed both of them aside and pressed the elevator button that took us back down. 

"We need to go down", I said getting in front of the elevator door with my guns up, "if we stay here we're dead! We need to go down."

"We're all in! Seoul Style." Nairobi said getting behind me with her guns out, Tokyo doing the same.

It's go time baby.

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