Chapter 3

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I made my way back upstairs where drunk Lauren was sitting on the bar stool slurring her words. "Y/NNNN y...yo.yo this party is crazy man."

"Yea time to get you home." I said picking her up bridal style as Troy ran outside to get the car ready for Lauren

"You Y/N I heard you KISS ARIAN..." I cut Lauren off, covering her mouth moving even faster out of the club

"Diplo give me a call sometime man and thank you for coming through." I said leaving as fast as I could before Lauren could say anything else.

I finally met up with Ari at exit with my drunk-half asleep best friend in my arms. I put her in the Lauren into the car. "I guess I'll meet you at the house with Normani or if you need to get clothes or whatever but I'll see you soon." I pulled her into another hug loving how good she smelled.

"Ok see soon sexy." Ari had Normani on her shoulder putting her in the Wrangler driving off.

Skips Car Drive

We made it inside as I carried Lauren to couch.

**Knock Knock**

Ari held drunken Normani as she was about to fall I grabbed her carrying her to Lauren and left her on the couch next to a bucket.

"Your really strong." Ari grabbed my arm gripping my bicep smiling.

"I workout on the daily." I smiled giving those two a blanket.

Ari walked around the house exploring when she found my sleeping black puppy pitbull Knight.

"Omg! You're so cute!" She squealed making me jump up and run into my room.

"You ok, is Knight ok?" I asked frantically. She turned around holding Knight smiling. "He likes you I can see."

"Yea he seems to like things you like." Ari looked at me blushing.

"I guess so I said sitting on my bed." I blushed smiling even harder

"So this where the magic happens." Ari stared looking around my room at all the poster and some of the awards I earned.

"You can say that." I smiled as she looked really excited to be in my apartment well one of them at least.

She walked back over to me sitting next to looking at me. "I like you Y/N like a lot." she confessed looking me. She kissed me softly as I pulled her onto my lap holding her waist snaking my hands up her shirt. The feeling of her soft tan skin as I showed care to it. The door opened making me upset as I groaned. "WOAH! Normani they fucking Y/N and Ariana fucking." All I could do is laugh at Lauren and how she not going to remember this night.

"I'm going to take a shower so hurry up and get back to me." Ari demanded grabbing my junk.

I walked out of the room and groaned and grabbed them both water bottles and some pain reliever as they were going to have a heavy hangover

"Hi Y/N." Normani groaned and into my shoulder as she threw up into the bucket as I held her hair.

"You ok?" I mumbled looking at her.

"I hate being drunk." Normani confessed.

"Well that's what happens when you hangout with Lauren at a nightclub." I laughed as she groaned. I began to realized she was somewhat sober and needed sleep.

"Well at leas your somewhat sober and hopeful your ok." I said leaving her alone.

I looked at Lauren and laughed. "

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