Chapter 10

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Didn't proof read again


*Knock Knock*

"Im coming give me a second." Mani yelled walking away from me as I was still hyperventilating. She opened that door and I hoped it wasn't police with bad news or one of her friends saying she isn't alive or found and it just mad me panic even more.

"Well hello Troy." Mani said pushing him inside slamming the door shut.

"Where fuck is she Troy!!!" I yelled crying even harder as I started to hit him

"I honestly don't know Ari that's why I came here to look for her and apologize to the both of you. I was pretty drunk and didn't mean to send Y/n that stuff I promise I don't wanna come between you two I actually never seen Y/n this happy before, she glows different when she see you." Troy confessed holding me in his arms as I kept crying. I realized that he wasn't lying he actually cared for her and me.

"Where's Lauren?" I questioned sniffing as he let me go and I sat on the bed

"She looking for her in her favorite places when she goes to clear her mind or get away from the world sometimes." Troy said scrolling through his phone looking for Lauren's number


I was in my 12th beer and felt good as I lit the nicely rolled blunt I had and started to smoke it as all my troubles went away and I began to feel the slightest better and looked at the stars and continued to smoke. I looked at my phone laughing at the 322 unread messages from Ari and The 104 from Troy and 119 messages from both Lauren and Normani. I turned on one of my favorite songs by Billie Eilish everything i wanted.

Ari's POV

"Ok so good news we know where she is and Lauren is riding out to her because she at the beach port." Troy said.

My heart started to beat faster and faster hoping she ok and just maybe drunk or hurt and I could fix what I did wrong or if it could even be fixed.

45 mins passed

"Ariana Lauren has her and there riding back to the other house. Check out of the hotel and come back with us." Normani demanded as I started to grab my bags and keycard and left it at the front desk and headed out with Normani.

All I could do the entire car ride was think about her and how head flooded with thoughts and scenarios. Then we finally arrived at the other house Lauren was standing outside. "She upstairs laying in the bed and she's sobering up." Lauren said as I hugged her.

"Thank you." I said as I started to tear up and walked in. I proceeded upstairs and opened the door finding her sitting on the bed with tears streaming down her face and listening to Halsey over and over again. "Hey Y/n."

"Don't even hey me Ariana. You assumed the worst and didn't even let me explain myself. You honestly think I would leave you for a bitch Troy sent me that I don't even know." She said. I could hear the sad and heartbreak in her voice. I started to cry even more.


I was upset with Ariana but at the same time I loved her as bad as the situation was. "Ari I just need time right like space imma take a shower and sleep downstairs in the guest room." I walked  into the bathroom and undressed myself and got into the shower when I hear Ariana "Y/n come here pl..please come here." she yelled out.

I rushed out of the bath with my sports bra and boxers on. "What..what. oh shit." she was hyperventilating and having a full on panic attack crying. It took her a minute to calm down but she's ok now.

She finally fell asleep after a while. I got up and took an actual shower now that she was asleep. I felt bad now for trying to give her time. But did I really want space from her. I got out of the shower and sat at my laptop opening it and started making music for my official next ep. I had insomnia and decided to keep making music and it was early the next morning when I got a text from David who said that they needed Ariana for a photo shoot for her album around the early afternoon. I looked at the text and replied. I headed downstairs and made breakfast when she headed down behind me and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm sorry Y/n I am please for-." I cut her off kissing her passionately and whispered against her lips. "It's ok just know I love you. Ok but you have a photo shoot today around the 12 today so eat and get ready so we go."

We headed out the house and she didn't question me on why i didn't give her space. Because honestly did I really want space from. As much I wanted to a part of didnt and well let's just say that part was winning.

She made it into her photo shoot for her newest album and David informed us it'll be an hour at least.

1 hour

"Bae seriously im sorry about my actions my anxiety got the best of me. Honestly I have trust issues and I completely understand if you need space just not for too long."

"Ari I don't wanna give you space I just wanted you to understand that I wouldn't cheat on you and I'll be completely honest with through everything." I said making her smile.

We decided to go out and eat just the two of us and she agreed to it. So we went to my favorite food spot to eat when I get a phone from David
"Um Y/n next time you get a girlfriend don't forget about Knight in New York. He's heading to your house now so inform the two idiots at the house." David said hanging up.

"Everything ok?" Ari questioned

"Yea jus I left my dog in New York and forgot about him luckily the dog sitter was there." I said laughing.

Ok so this wasn't my best update but her you guys go and we are up to 2k thank you all for the great support honestly and until next time loves >3

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