Chapter 8

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Ahhhh finally an update I know its been forever but school is crazy at the moment but I will try my dearest to update for you guys. ALSO THANK YOU FOR THE 1K READS 🙈>3

Ari's POV

"Ariana, Normani get up you have a flight to prepare for!" Joann shouted

My mothers yelling has got to stop. I woke up looking around my dark room. I picked up my phone looking at time as it was nearly the crack of dawn. I sighed and got up and tapped Normani.

"Get up boo we have to go." I said as she opened her eyes groaning looking around.

"What time is Ari?" Normani questioned getting up slightly stumbling.

"Too damn early but it's 4:45." I responded as I could feel my sleepiness catching up.

I headed into my bathroom brushing my teeth and freshen up. I put on sweats and looked for the hoodie that I took from Y/N as it still smelled like her. I waited for Normani who was nearly ready and we headed downstairs where my mom stood waiting for us.

"Finally you two love to take forever to do something." My mother hissed "Let's go before you miss your flight.

Time Skip

We finally made it into the airport ordering breakfast for the time being. "I have to go but you two should arrive into Florida in the early morning/Afternoon." My mother hugged both of us giving a sly smile as she hurried away making a phone call.

"Flight for Panama City, Florida ready to board."

"Alright here we go Mani." I sighed slightly getting up

"Yea like I'm ready to even go, can't see Lauren so." Normani sighed as we started walking forward

"I know boo but think on the bright side we will see them very soon." I responded heading down the breezeway entering the plane.

We took our seats and relaxed as the sun hasn't risen yet and it's still dark. I looked at my phone connecting my headphones as Normani was already asleep once again.

"Ok ladies and gentlemen prepare for a safe and easy flight as we have a clear early morning sky."

I smiled and started listening to one of Y/N songs falling back into my sleep.

"Get up Ari." Normani said tapping my shoulder.

"Were here already?" I questioned having a little bit of jet lag.

"Yes girl It really was a smooth flight and I barely felt him land. But let's go." Normani demanded.

We had to wait for a bit for our bags to arrive. I text my mom and then Y/N.


"She just text me they landed and we are nearly there but we gotta hurry." I said as Lauren was ready to see Normani

We made it into the airport. As Troy kept the car running waiting for us.

"There downstairs Lauren I see them." I said as we ran down the stairs.

"Wait text them to turn around." I said looking at my baby as she looked upset to be here.

"Ok sent it." Lauren said as they both screamed and ran toward us.

I caught her as she wrapped her legs around me. In that moment it felt like everything froze and it was just me and her. I looked into her eyes kissing her passionately as we didn't break it yet trying to remember how she tastes once more.

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