Chapter 7

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Take it easy I didn't proof read I'm flooded with other work 🤦‍♀️


Lauren groaned so did Troy as I said those words.

"Are you forgetting he dragged us back here for nothing when we could've been hanging with Normani and Ariana, and you of all people should understand that since your fucking her." Lauren said looking at Troy as he nodded in agreement

"I understand that for one and two your fucking Normani so what difference and Troy what are you agreeing for, your fucking Carol and Helen you have no say in this."

"Come on bro stop bringing that up for fuck sake." Troy mumbled as he sighed "Fine but only if I'm getting an MY AGED women out of this." Troy said folding his arms.

"Eeh whatever. Long as Normani is coming. I miss her." Lauren wined like a baby.

"Well let's go talk to David." I suggested

Ari's POV

"Normani!!" I screamed looking at my door as it ok.

"Yes best friend." She grumbled.

"Y/N hung up on me." I sighed sitting up on my bed now.

"So did Lauren." Normani looked me in the eyes as we laughed.

"I'm bored let's go do something for a while." Normani suggested.

"Ok like what?" I questioned biting my bottom lip

"Well something that isn't as boring as you think it would be."

"I wanna make music Mani." I said smiling.

"That sounds fun. So let's go to the studio then." Normani picked up her phone and grabbed her notebook.

I picked up my phone grabbing my notebook as I thought about that song Breathin. I loved how it made me feel. Like it hit close to home as my phone pinged with a message.

Message From Babydaddy🖤: here's the start of the song it's not fully done but tell how you like it and I'll tweak the changes. Much luv Y/N.

I smiled at the message as I grabbed my headphones listening to the song she sent me.
I hummed to the beat as she used a sample I started to like.

I walked to the car with Normani following me as we made our way to our studio.

"We need to fly out to Florida and it needs to be soon cause I for one need dick from my baby and two cause Lauren misses me and I miss her." Normani said randomly looking at me.

I shook my head giggling "Yes I guess we do need to fly out."  I looked through Y/N page as she posted her Lauren and Troy in the studio. But my eyes were focus on Y/N as I got lost into my dirty thoughts getting wet slightly at the thought of her fucking me hard and fast for being bad.

I shook my head shaking the thoughts away. "Well we here Normani let's get this over with so we can fly out in a week or two." I sighed and smiled slightly as I saw my favorite twins Scott and Brian."


"David?" I knocked on his door

"Come in Y/N." He spoke. I smiled and sat in the chairs with Lauren and Troy.

"So we need to discuss something." I said firmly as he looked up from his computer shutting it.

"Anything Y/N you know that." David spoke

"Alright I'm starting a collaboration with Ariana Grande. Only problem is I don't want her to know yet. I wanna surprise her." I smiled at the thought of her.

"Ok I'm down for the collab and I guessing Lauren wants me to fly her best friend Normani in cause I heard about the too." David smiled and laughed. "Of course I'm down to flying your girlfriends in and letting you surprise them." David grabbed his phone dialing Joann number. For one how he even had her number. But I didn't care I missed Ari and I needed her.

"Are you surprising her?" David whispered.

I nodded and smiled "Bring Normani as well." I said laughing.

David hung up the phone after a few minutes. "They'll be here tomorrow afternoon. Now go get some sleep or do something productive." David hisses making us get up.

"Yes I finally get some pussy once again." Lauren said hugging me.

"Y'all fucked once and you can't get enough huh?" I said laughing.

"Your one to talk. You and Ariana probably did everything on the menu." Lauren said looking at me.

"Ok that doesn't justify the fact you fuck on my dogs couch. I had to scrub that damn thing after y'all left yea nasties." I said making us all laugh.

"Ok but we should all stay at your apartment Y/N til tomorrow for the surprise." Troy suggested as we walked to catch our ride.

"Alright that's cool and David's going to call me in the morning so y'all have time to." I said looking at my phone as we got into our ride.

Ari's POV

"ARI!!" I hear my mother yell

"Yes!" I yelled back

"Come here now." She yelled making me and Normani both hop up.

"What's wrong mom."

"You two have to go meet Y/N record producer but Y/N has a show so you can't see the three of them. I know sweethearts you two must really miss those girl." My said rubbing my shoulder.

"Ok that's fine when the flight?" I questioned trying to hold my tears back and I can Normani was trying to as well.

"It's in the morning I will wake you two up." My mother said giving a slight smile.

We walked back upstairs as I text Y/N asking why. And to describe how upset I was and she may have been sleep but I wanted answers I craved them as I pack my clothes with my best for who was now upset.

"Oh Ari and Mani pack a good bag of clothes you'll be there a while." My mother yelled.

"Ok mom." I continue to pack my clothes laying in my bed next to my bestie.

"This is going be another adventure I guess." I thought to myself falling asleep


I'm going to try and update more but school is crazy Rn loves but trust me I will update so much love.

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