Chapter 11

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This is not proofed because I wanted to get this chapter to you all quickly so here you all go >3


We arrived back home when I stopped Ari and looked into her eyes and kissed her passionately. "I don't ever wanna argue like that again Ariana just the amount we could go through is just painful." I mumbled out making her smile
"Ok Y/N."
We walked inside smiling and holding hands when a half grown pitbull comes running at us "KNIGHTTTTT" I screamed as he was excited to see me and Ariana.
We were having our family reunion for a while when I get a phone call from David
"I have really really good news for you and Ariana but I can't meet with you right but her song is blowing up and I need the both of you in the studio asap to get the rest of the album completed." David said hanging up the phone after.

I looked at Ari who was smiling and completely in love with Knight. She finally looked up to my smiling face when I picked her up placing her on the counter kissing her neck and kissing her. "I have so good news mamas." She blushed hard at the nickname I gave her.

"What is it?" She questioned still blushing
"Well your song is blowing up and David wants you to continue to produce the song he got it confirmed by your manger and your manager is coming down in a few days." I said
"Well let's go to the studio right now and start on breathin" She requested.

I smiled and grabbed Knight's leash and walked out of the house and into the car where we headed to the studio

*Several hours later*
"Baby are you tired." Ari questioned as I yawned

"No mamas keep going we're making progress."

"Y/n we literally can finish tomorrow so far we haven't gotten very far 

"Fine but this is not because I'm tired it's because you are." I said

"Whatever you say" I say laughing 

I grabbed Knight who was still energized and happy and walked back outside.
We arrived to the car and drove home when we open the door music up loud and drunken Troy, Normani, Lauren and some random chick are all dancing to music and we just shake our heads and laugh lowkey. So I just went upstairs and laid in bed with Ari and rested on her head on my chest "Y/n do you think the album will blow up."

"Of course mamas it will." I responded running my finger down her back as she falls asleep.

Few Days 

I was woken up by the sound of Ari's music and her dancing in the bathroom doing her makeup getting ready for the day. Then she turned around to me smiling at her. "Stop watching me." she said jumping on the bed with a smile showing her dimples as she leaned in and kissed me. "Ok seriously go brush your teeth." she said making both of us laugh. "Shut up I'm getting up." 

After a while we ended up heading out to the studio for her to get her thoughts together  but I knew  it would take at least the rest of the month to finish up the album before dropping it 

So we continued to work as she broke the album down to me. The album would consist of 14 songs all about what's she been through for the most part of her life. So I looked at her as she was very excited to see how many hits it was getting. 

One Week Later 

I got a phone call from David explaining how fans are looking forward to a tour and the first city is La so we had about month and some change to prepare for the tour and drop the album. I looked at sleeping Ari and smiled. "Hey Baby guess what?" I said waking her up. 

"mmm what." 

"We've been cleared for tour."

I watched as her eyes widen and she got up and jumped on me and kissed me 

"Thank you for being every step of the way for me." She said hugging me. 

"We have to get on the road tonight though baby so we have to pack and round up the rest of the crew because we have to drop the album within a month or two before we head around the world"  I said smiling. 

We got up and delivered the news to the rest of the crew and oddly the girl Troy had from last night was coming with us being Troy has been hiding he's been dating her for a couple of months and she's not old. So we headed back upstairs and I closed the door locking it 

"Ari come here." I pulled her close to me and kissed her and picked her up now kissing her neck placing her on the bed. "Y/n we can't no.... not right now." Ari said trying her best not to give as I split her legs open and gripped her thighs. 

"Give in already mamas come on I'll make it quick." I said as she didn't resist anymore and start unbuttoning my pants grabbing and stroking my member softly. I moved my hand up to heat as she moaned softly and I started rubbing her as she pulled her shirt off and pushed my hand away and she pulled my pants down and pulled my slightly harden member out of my boxers and we switched spots as she started to suck me off when there was a knock at the door. 

"Hey hurry up we gotta get to LA and make to the studio and the drive isn't easy. So we gotta load up now." I groaned as she went down one more time and got up. 

"come on daddy you can fuck me later I promise I'll be quiet." I knew she wasn't serious but we had to go

She knows I hate when she teases me and I had an erection and I had to get it down with a cold rag and I yelled out "Blue Fucking Balls." She just laughed at me. 

We got onto the bus and it had sections and bunk beds. Me and Ari took the bed in the back and the rest of the crew had the bunk beds near the front. 

"So we can fuck and they won't hear us." I whispered. "They'll hear us babe so lets just wait its only a day bubba." I groaned  "ok but at least just let me put the tip in mamas."I begged "No Y/n." She laughed at me. 

We went to front of the bus with rest of the crew and played games and had some liquor and talked for the most part.

Sorry I pulled a Coreyxkenshin on you all but shit has been crazy but since were on quarantine I've decided to update this for you all and I'm working on two new stories and may or may not drop them just yet but yes im back and will try and keep updating while im working from home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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